Your Guide To Properly Marathoning ‘Star Wars’


There’s probably no right or wrong way to watch the Star Wars series, but there’s a good or better way.

You will find people who argue for the chronological order (Episode I to Episode VI) — because, you know, it’s all about Darth Vader’s tragic fall from grace and eventual redemption — but do you really want to go through “I don’t like sand,” again before you get to see the pure awesomeness that is the battle against the Death Star?

Let’s face it, the original Star Wars trilogy (Episode IV, V and VI if you want to get technical) was masterful in its simplicity. We have our hero, our princess, our scruffy rogue, our wizened mentor and our classic hero’s journey that’s not weighed down by clunky dialogue or trade negotiations.

So here’s how to embark on a journey to a galaxy far, far away — the proper way.

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