YN welcomes Brandon Jackson to the staff!

Yodasnews is very happy to add Brandon to the site today, as a new staff member!  You have seen his awesome photographs in some of our reviews the last few months and today he joins us to not only lend his photography skills, but he will also be a new event correspondent. Check out a quick message from Brandon below and look for news, reviews and reports from him very soon!

Hello Yodasnews.com, I am so very excited to be apart of the staff. I plan to bring lots of excitement to the Star Wars world. I have been a huge Star Wars fan for over 30 years now and Star Wars rules my life. I love everything Star Wars: the Original Trilogy, Prequels, Expanded Universe, Cartoons, Video Games, action figures clothes. There is nothing Star Wars I don’t like. This is a very exciting time for us as fans with the new Star Wars Trilogy, Rebels, Battle Front III and the newly announcement of Rouge One and I want to do all to bring you the information that you crave from movie news to the latest action figures and everything else Star Wars that we all love. I am a huge fan and this is a privilege and honor to be apart of this awesome team.
