The first Line Of Star Wars: The Force Awakens – An Insult To George Lucas?


There’s no doubt that Star Wars: The Force Awakens tried very hard to make up for the misstep that was the prequel trilogy, but did it go as far as taking an overt dig at creator George Lucas?

A Quora user seems to think so, drawing attention to the opening line of dialogue in the film from Max von Sydow:

‘This will begin to make things right.’

“Is that a dig against the awful prequels?” they asked, provoking quite a debate.

It’s unlikely director JJ Abrams would wish to insult Lucas, who attended the premiere of the sequel, and it would be a bit of an unnecessary swipe at the franchise in general.

That said, the line does, even accidentally or incidentally, set the tone for the film as a palate cleanser after the prequels.

While much of it (arguably too much) was taken up with honouring the series’ roots, Star Wars 8 looks to be a lot different.

Long-serving Star Wars scribe Lawrence Kasdan said that in the hands of Looper writer/director Rian Johnson it willl be “some weird thing” and nothing like other Star Wars films that have come before it.

The film is due to arrive in 2017, with a spin-off movie called Rogue One centring around a Death Star heist filling the gap in 2016.