Top 5 Lightsaber Battles – Number 3

We have all loved lightsaber battles since we first saw Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi ignite his lightsaber against Darth Vader in Star Wars in 1977. I mean everybody loves the lightsaber battles right? Of course we do. So I am going to do a short series of articles on my Top 5 lightsaber battles from the Star Wars films. I am not going to include the Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, just the films. So today we have #3 on my list and why I think this battle is the 3rd best lightsaber battle

#3 Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker from Return of the Jedi

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I put this battle #3 on my list. This is my favorite moment in all the films because this is the climax of the saga. As far as a lightsaber battle I have to put it at #3 because this is a shorter battle than most broken up and spread out over some time. This is a great battle because we get to see Luke as a Jedi for the only time. Luke shows he has come a long way since the fight in Cloud City. Luke tries his best to not fight during this battle. Darth Vader and the Emperor try to turn Luke to the Dark Side. Darth Vader and the Emperor have two choices for Luke at this point, join us or die. Luke comes in with a third option, redeem his father and bring him back to the light side.

This battle moves along kinda uneventful until Luke hides under the catwalk. Vader realizes at this point the only way to draw Luke out is to attack his sister. Once Vader brings up the option of turning Leia to the dark side, Luke snaps and comes at Vader full force. Vader realizes right away he has pissed Luke off and can’t handle Luke’s rage. Luke cuts down Vader and sees his severed hand and realizes he has to stop. You just can’t top Luke standing before the Emperor and saying “I am a Jedi like my father before me”. What a climax to a saga.

Come back Monday to see what #2 is.