Star Wars-Themed Secret Nightclub


Secret Cinema has opened an exclusive, Star Wars-themed nightclub somewhere in London. That’s the sort of sentence that’ll get lots of Londoners prematurely firing their blasters with excitement, no doubt – both fans of Secret Cinema’s immersive interpretations of cult films, and Star Wars’ heavily breathing baddies and fur-covered goodies. So, what’s the deal with this pop-up Secret Nightclub? And could it possibly live up to the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina bar from ‘Star Wars Episode IV’ (aka the first film); the one described as a ’wretched hive of scum and villainy’? We can only hope…

First things first, the shindig is (inevitably) cloaked in a veil of mystery. It’s solely for ticketholders for Secret Cinema’s eagerly anticipated and no-doubt epic run of Star Wars-themed film experiences, beginning in June. The venue is revealed by dialling some space digits from your portable communication device (what Earthlings call a ‘mobile’), after which you’ll receive a password. Don’t try to blag your way in: you’ll be hard-pushed to find a soul who’ll tell you any more details, having been given strict instructions by the rebel forces who staff the event… there, I’ve already said too much.

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