Star Wars Talk

OBVIOUSLY, YOU’VE SPENT the last couple of weeks excited for the April launch of Marvel’s Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic (and desperately hoping someone over there is pitching the Inside Llewyn Davis comic, too). But that’s not all that’s been going on in the Star Wars universe.

With The Force Awakens continuing its hugely successful run at the box office—although it won’t beat James Cameron’s Avatar internationally—there is still a lot happening on many fronts when it comes to Star Wars. Because you’re too busy to keep up with it all, here’s everything you need to know in one Ewok-size package.

Christmas Belongs to Star Wars Now
Source: The facts come from Disney, the speculation from the Internet
Probability of Accuracy: The Force is strong with this one.
The Real Deal: Yes, the release date for Star Wars: Episode VIII has been pushed from May 2017 to December of that year, putting it in line with The Force Awakens and this December’s Star Wars: Rogue One and forever confirming that future generations will believe that Star Wars is the most exciting part of the holiday season. But why the move? Disney and Lucasfilm aren’t saying officially, but these tweets from The Hollywood Reporter’s Borys Kit offered some potential reasoning:

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