Star Wars Mystery Boxes on Topps UK Site!

New on the Topps UK site – Mystery Boxes featuring incredible Star Wars Authentics autographs, prints, and Topps trading cards!

The Star Wars Mystery Box is available in three pricing tiers:

  • Padawan – which features one Star Wars Authentics autographed photo, one signed movie card from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, one patch card, one Star Wars Authentics official photo, and five Topps trading card packs plus a chance at bonus items for £150.00
  • Jedi Knight – which features one Star Wars Authentics autographed photo, one hobby box of Topps Star Wars trading cards, one signed movie card from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, two patch cards, one Star Wars Authentics official photo, one Topps Authentics sequentially numbered trading card and five Topps trading card packs plus a chance at bonus items for £199.99
  • Jedi Master – which features two Star Wars Authentics autographed photos, one hobby box of Topps Star Wars trading cards, one signed movie card from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, two patch cards, two Star Wars Authentics official photos, two Topps Authentics sequentially numbered trading cards and five Topps trading card packs plus a chance at bonus items for £300.00

Check out all the options here: