Darth Vader and BB-8 could become unlikely allies in the fight against childhood obesity
When I first read the press release outlining Disney’s plan to slap Star Wars and Marvel characters on Dole fruits and vegetables, I felt a special kind of sick to my stomach. It’s the feeling you get after you see a snapshot of humanity that destroys all hope you’ve ever had for the future. The last time I felt this way was after watching a pissed-off Sizzler customer berate a manager for not letting her take a styrofoam cup of pulled pork to-go, because she paid for the all-you-can-eat salad bar, and she had not yet eaten all she could eat, and oh my God we’re all doomed to spend eternity on this nightmare of a planet.
Is nothing sacred anymore? Can we not even appreciate the beauty of a pineapple without slapping Iron Man’s stupid, smug robot face on there? And haven’t kids been manipulated enough? Can’t we just leave them alone for one second and give them a break from the onslaught of Halo-branded Mountain Dew, and Spongebob-shaped macaroni, and Ghostbusters-themed high-fructose corn syrup drinks? Shouldn’t vegetables be pure and good and natural and removed from the capitalistic shitstorm that is predatory food marketing?
The answer to all that is, in short: No.
Disney using its infinite power and influence to manipulate kids into eating carrots and celery is the best thing that could happen to the fight against childhood obesity.
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