
In Return of the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine tried to lure the Rebel Alliance to its ultimate doom by taking command of the fully armed and operational Death Star II himself. His plan didn’t exactly work out, and just like its predecessor, the second Death Star was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance. According to the “Death Star Ownership Manual,” the Death Star II was able to carry 485, 560 crew members, many of whom didn’t receive a name (luckily). However, let’s meet the characters onboard that did get a name, as well as the Imperials who participated in the space battle above Endor.

Vader’s Unexpected Pleasure

When Darth Vader arrived at the unfinished Death Star to check on its progress, his shuttle ST 321 was piloted by Captain Yorr and Colonel Jendon, respected Imperial test pilots. When Sergeant Jad Bean received confirmation of the shuttle’s clearance code, the deflector shield around the Death Star was disabled. Docking bay Lieutenant Endicott ordered Sergeant Bean to alert Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod (the Commander of the station) of Lord Vader’s arrival. Endicott, a graduate at the Academy of Carida, would later serve at Jerjerrod’s side in the Death Star control room during the Battle of Endor. When Jerjerrod learned of the Emperor’s imminent visit, he immediately promised to double his crew’s efforts in order to meet the Death Star’s construction schedule.

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