I am going to buy so many of these Star Wars figures, but I don’t know why

Via Theverge.com:

The next Disney Infinity game is the most exciting yet, and that all comes down to the fact that it will include the Star Wars universe. You’ll be able to explore iconic locations like Tatooine and Hoth, and in the game’s virtual toybox Luke Skywalker can play games alongside Black Widow and Wreck-it Ralph. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun, although previous games have been disappointing. But, if I’m being completely honest with myself, it’s not the game that has me excited.

I’m a 30-year-old father who can’t wait to buy some Star Wars toys.

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2015-06-05 14_46_32-I am going to buy so many of these Star Wars figures, but I don’t know why _ The