Perhaps the most egregious omission from Kenner’s vintage Star Wars collection was a Great Pit of Carkoon playset. As the crux of what was arguably the most action-packed scene in the entire original trilogy, I never understood why Kenner didn’t release some kind of plastic Sarlacc toy for kids to play with.

(Kenner wasn’t wholly oblivious to the problem, either. In one old Return of the Jedi action figure commercial, a pair of kids created a makeshift Sarlacc out of a sandcastle bucket!)

Still, for kids who dreamed of sending effigial Star Wars characters plunging to their doom, hope was not lost!

In 1983, Parker Brothers released Battle at Sarlacc’s Pit, a multiplayer board game — “board” in the broadest sense — that wasn’t so much “fun to play” as fun to play with.