Two-time Oscar nominee Laura Dern is starring in two of this year’s hottest properties: the upcoming reboot of Twin Peaks and the highly-anticipated Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Is she part of the Resistance or has she been seduced by the dark side of the Force? Keep asking, because Dern won’t answer. Not even her son and daughter (ages 15 and 12, respectively) know anything, partly because mom doesn’t want them to stress out about keeping plot points a secret from their friends.
“It’s hard in our own house. ‘Mom, you can at least tell us who you play.’ I’d never put them in that position,” she says.
Dern’s involvement in Episode VIII of the Star Wars saga was announced last year as the Rian Johnson-directed sequel went into production, although no details have been revealed yet about who she’ll be playing. All we know so far is that The Last Jedi will pick up where 2015’s The Force Awakens left off, right as Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) meet. Is Dern’s role at least momentous enough to raise her credibility level at home? She just laughs. “I was hoping for a little more respect. I’m hoping when they see the movie, I’ll get a little more. A point,” says Dern.
She’s just as excited about the upcoming Twin Peaks, which is having a resurgence with the younger generation before its May premiere on Showtime. “Twin Peaks, all these teenagers I know are watching the first one to get ready. They heard it’s the most radical thing their parents and teachers had seen,” she says.
So between that and Star Wars, “I’m hoping, cumulatively, I get five points” of respect at home. The Last Jedi hits theaters on Dec. 17