A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a story we all know. Even indirectly, even if you’ve never seen a Star Wars movie in your life, I’m willing to bet that you know through cultural osmosis who Luke’s father is. Star Wars is a seminal piece of pop culture history, both for the United States, and by now probably the world over. We love Star Wars.
And we also love 80’s movies. The likes of John Hughes’ films The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off are also cinema and pop-culture classics. Start playing “don’t you forget about me,” and by the end of the “hey, hey, hey, hey!” I bet people (at least 20-somethings) will be imagining the kids of the Breakfast Club. Maybe even dancing.
If any of the above strikes a chord (ha) in you, boy have I got a treat. Today’s installment of fan-created awesome comes to us from Italian artist Denis Medri, aka DenisM79 on deviantART. He’s put together a wonderfully thought-out collection… of Star Wars: 80’s High School style!
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