Disney XD has a hit on its hands with Star Wars Rebels, a brand new animated series that fills in gaps between Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and the iconic franchise launcher, A New Hope. The show kicked off with a well-received hour-long movie, and will continue tonight with the premiere of the first official episode, Droids in Distress. Those of us tracking J.J. Abrams’ Stars Wars: Episode VII wonder how the excellent show will connect to the future film properties, and now we have an answer.
Dave Feloni acts as executive producer and showrunner on Star Wars Rebels, and conducted a lengthy interview with over the weekend. While mapping out the course of the television show, Feloni talked about how it will connect to the film properties – and how having everything under one roof now means each component has to wonder how it will affect upcoming movies, shows, comics and so on. Feloni explained:
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