Almost 40 years have passed since George Lucas directed the first installment of Star Wars, a worldwide pop culture phenomenon that changed the world. Even to this day new fans all over the world are born and with them new ideas of recreating some of the movie’s spaceships. This Polish fan has spent four years to replicate Han Solo’s famous spacecraft using only paper. It’s amazing!
Imagine spending four years to build something, anything. Just put yourself in that situation when you reserve an hour or two of your every day for one specific project you work for 48 months. Days, weeks, months, years pass until, one day you take a look at it and it’s ready. Heck, even graduating a Bachelor’s Degree normally takes less than that.
For this fellow, it was all about finishing a one of a kind Millennium Falcon that was entirely created out of paper. According to its creator, this model is 99% made of paper and is 38’’ (96.52 cm) long. Apart from the glue he most likely used to stick all of the pieces together, the fellow claims he also used fiber optics and LEDs for the lights.
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