‘Star Wars’: 1977 Movie Review

Via Nydailynews.com:

(Originally published by the Daily News on May 26, 1977. This story was written by Kathleen Carroll.)

If you are a kid at heart, a die-hard “Star Trek” fan or just a confirmed addict of Marvel comics, “Star Wars” will completely dazzle.

Using such interplanetary stalwarts as Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers for inspiration, director George Lucas has concocted a mind-blowing spectacle that sends the audience off onto the wondrously strange world of fantasy and satisfies just about everyone’s adolescent craving for a corny old-fashioned adventure movie.

Most futuristic movies – one thinks particularly of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” – are chillingly antiseptic, with heavy accents on the scientific accuracy of the hardware. But “Star Wars” radiates a surprising amount of warmth – thanks to two personality-plus robots (the timid, goldplated See-Threepio with the high-pitched, Noel Coward-like voice, and the stubby independant Artoo-Detoo with the soulful beep) who are more endearingly human than the actors confined to one-dimensional, comic-strip roles.

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