Let’s put this one to bed: there is no Death Star map in Star Wars: Battlefront.
We already know that Star Wars: Battlefront isn’t doing space battles or space maps, but now EA has clarified that there will not be any infantry battles taking place on a map based on the iconic Death Star space station.
“We will not offer a Death Star based map. But stay tuned for details around the maps we will offer,” offered EA community managers in a recent Reddit thread.
Speaking of massive spacecraft, it was also confirmed that Star Destroyers will feature in the game, but you won’t be able to bring them down with your puny blasters.
“Yes you will see them within maps, but you can’t physically shoot them down. But the progression of how you’re playing will influence the Battles beyond the players’ battle,” confirmed the team.
The Star Wars: Battlefront closed alpha begins July 2 for a select few. We recently stormed Hoth as part of the Empire, and enjoyed every second of it.
Star Wars: Battlefront is out on PS4, PC and Xbox One on November 17.