The latest Star Wars movie, titled Solo: A Star Wars Movie, blasts into theaters on May 25 after a huge shake-up on the set. Original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller left the young Han Solo movie last summer due to “different creative visions,” and were replaced by Ron Howard.
Reshoots then began, but Michael K. Williams (of The Wire and Boardwalk Empire fame) — who was playing motion-capture crime lord Dryden Vos — was unable to return to film new scenes “to match the new direction which the producers wanted Ron to carry the film,” according to the actor at the time. That’s because Williams was busy filming The Red Sea Diving Resort, so he was then replaced himself by Paul Bettany as the character also morphed into a live-action human.
How does Williams feel about not being in the final film and being cut out of a Star Wars movie? We asked him that when he popped by EW Morning Live (SiriusXM, Entertainment Weekly, channel 105) to promote the new season of Hap & Leonard on Sundance Channel.
“There are some things in life, you just gotta laugh at it,” says Williams. “That was such an odd turn of events. That’s not the norm. As crazy a town as Hollywood is — I like to be the one that says I’ve seen a little bit of everything in this town — that was one for the textbooks. What are the odds of that happening? There comes a point, you just gotta throw your hands up and, you know what, it just wasn’t meant to be.”
Perhaps the hardest part for the actor is the fact that audiences won’t get a chance to see what he and his cast created together on the Millennium Falcon. “I will tell you this much though,” Williams adds. “What saddens me most is I was very proud of the work that I did. What I believe I have created with Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson and Alden [Ehrenreich, who plays Solo]… I thought it was some great work. We was on the spaceship, and we all had these amazing scenes together, and I thought it was a great opportunity, and I thought it was some great stuff. It’s unfortunate the world won’t get to see it.”
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