
The LEGO and Star Wars brands have been a force to be reckoned with ever since they first joined hands in 1999. For the last six years they have held a special Star Wars event to celebrate this union. This year it took place during the weekend of June 20, and it was time again for the troopers of the Rebel Legion and 501st, especially those from the Nordic Garrison, to invade LEGOLAND. Your reporter from went to Billund, Denmark to support these troopers.

The fun started on Friday when I landed at Billund Airport, a convenient short walk away from the park. With Friday being the traditional day that all the troopers and their supporters arrive, the LEGOLAND Holiday Village quickly filled up their quaint cabins โ€” styled as if you would expect US frontiersman Davy Crockett to walk out at any moment. For those among you with a special fondness of growing up with LEGO, the many great animal statues that denote the different zones like Bear Country, Eagle Plains, Raccoon Forest, and the big pirate ship at the entrance are nice highlights and introductions of what one can expect to see inside the theme park itself.

While a day like this normally consists of chatting up old friends who I have known since my trip to Finse or last yearโ€™s LEGO/Star Wars anniversary, there was a troop organized for those who had arrived early enough. This prelude troop was a surprise for the guests at the theme park and the LEGOLAND Hotel, who had the chance of meeting their favorite characters that included stormtroopers, X-wing pilots, Jedi, and the Emperor. When they returned to the Village, it was time for a rehearsal of the opening ceremony.

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2015-07-21 11_36_26-Rebels and Troopers (and Jawas) Invade LEGOLAND Denmark _