Joe Johnston Reflects on Designing ‘Star Wars’


Over the past six months, movie fans and Star Wars nerds have had the rare opportunity to purchase on eBay the souvenirs and artwork from the personal collection of legendary special effects pioneer and film director Joe Johnston.

The designer or co-designer of iconic characters (and vehicles) such as Yoda, Ewoks, Boba Fett, the Millennium Falcon, the AT-ATs and X-Wing planes, Johnston has an incredible archive from Star Wars alone, which fans have been eager to bid on.

Over the course of 2014, Johnston has been selling not only from those films, but from his directorial efforts, which include favorites such as Honey, I Shrunk the Kids; Jumanji; The Rocketeer; October Sky; Jurassic Park III; and Captain America: The First Avenger.

Johnston, in New Zealand for pre-production on a new TNT show called Lumen, answered some questions via email about his auctions, Star Wars, his career, working with Robin Williams, and more. You can also check out his site at

So, first off, why put these items up for auction?
I recently moved out of a house I’d been in for over twelve years. I had been storing things in boxes that I had moved from house to house since the ’80s. I had no idea what was in them, just that they were film-related. When I opened up the boxes and found all this stuff that I hadn’t seen or touched, some of it for over thirty years, I thought why should this stuff be sitting in boxes if there are fans out there who would love to have it in their collection?

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