Huge LEGO Star Wars Clone Army Project

YN reader David reports in:

As a fellow Star Wars and LEGO Fan, I must share this with you 😉 I’m working on a very project and would love for you to take a look at: It’s a Fan Project to create one of the Largest LEGO Clone Trooper Armies in the world. I’m a huge Star Wars and LEGO fan and really wanted to do something sweet for the Community before the release of EP7 (say my final goodbye to the Clones if you know what I mean). I’m not barely making any Profit off this (probably none), this is because I’m a fan of Star Wars, not a businessman. Me and my team are trying to create an army of 15,000 LEGO Clone Troopers (100% Genuine figures, not knock off’s or customized).. I’m getting them through supplier all over the world who spilt LEGO sets up for a living. Any more info can be found on the Indiegogo link!
