How To Talk To Your Infant About ‘Star Wars’


I’ve heard that the best part about being a dad is forcing your passions upon your children — sports, the outdoors, even progressive rock. For me, those passions include the classic film series “Star Wars,” and inspired by the teaser released recently for “The Force Awakens,” I sat down with my 6-month-old son to talk about why he should love these movies, too.

It didn’t go nearly as well as I would have hoped (my infant son is in italics):

Hey buddy, I have something really special I want to share with you. Are you ready to learn about “Star Wars”?

Okay. What are “The Star Wars”?

It’s just “Star Wars,” and they’re literally the greatest movies that have ever been made by anyone. There are space battles and a big hairy man-beast and spirituality and themes of friendship and cocky ne’er-do-wells and dramatic confrontations and a weird, incestuous love story, plus robots. All that stuff, plus robots.

I don’t know what most of those things are.

Doesn’t matter. I think you’re going to love these movies. I loved them as a kid, and I still love them today. Well, at least I love some of them.

Why don’t you love all of them?

So, there were three “Star Wars” movies that came out before Mom and Dad were born, and they were awesome. And then, three more came out when Mom and Dad were younger, and those weren’t very good. The second three movies were prequels to the first three, telling the story of how the characters in the first movies got to where they are.

How can something happen before something else even though it came out after the first thing?

It’s like the shows “Muppet Babies” and “The Muppets.” “Muppet Babies” began airing after “The Muppet Show” ended, even though it technically happened before “The Muppet Show,” because, you know, the Muppets were babies.

This doesn’t make any sense. Can I just play with my blocks? Or work on putting my feet in my mouth?

In a little bit, but I have to make sure you understand this, because it’s very important. They made the first three “Star Wars” movies, and everybody loved them. And just like with “Muppet Babies,” someone said “I wonder what it’d be like to see Luke Skywalker as a baby.” This was a terrible idea, but it still happened, and sometimes in life you need to deal with disappointment.