DOE Will Host A ‘Star Wars’ Energy Q+A Today


Star Wars fans who watch the movies and wonder where a lightsaber’s battery is or what kind of engine the Death Star has that can be blown up so easily can get all their questions answered this Friday by scientists working for the Department of Energy.

Opticians, physicists and other scientists from different National Laboratories will answer any questions people have about Star Wars and energy. The DOE is hosting the Google+ Hangout starting at 2 p.m.

If you want to know how much energy Han shot first with, or what kind of fuel Boba Fett might have used to escape the Sarlacc in the Great Pit of Carkoon, now’s the time to ask.

You can go to the Google+ page or ask on Facebook or Twiter with #‎StarWarsEnergy.

To really get pumped for the event, check out the trailer for the event made by the DOE below.