Disney’s Collection Of Random “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Products

Via Qz.com:

Children of the 1970s and 1980s coveted the lunch boxes, action figures, bedspreads and other paraphernalia that accompanied the release of each installment of Star Wars, the beloved space western series. Since then, and with the release of the less-beloved prequels in the 2000s, the merchandizing has been taken to another level—for adults as well as children—with lightsaber chopsticks, R2-D2 spice shakers, and AT-AT dog costumes.
And it seems that Disney—which purchased Lucasfilm, the movies’ producer, for $4 billion in 2012—has no intention of dialing back the merchandizing blitz for its upcoming Star Wars film, The Force Awakens.
The film doesn’t hit theaters until the middle of December, but that hasn’t stopped Disney from plastering a bewildering range of random products with heroes and villains that we don’t even know yet. (What happens if Kylo Ren turns out to be an alright guy? What if BB-8 is a robot ball of evil?)

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