Giveaway #2 – The 12 Year Hunt

This idea was sent in by a reader back in 2010, we have done it a few times since, and it’s always fun! It won’t be for everyone, but it will be fun for those who choose to take part.

The first thing you need to do is print out the main 12 year logo below, you will need to include this in ALL photos to verify they are your photos and taken for this giveaway. On most computers you can simply right click and print it, you can also click here for the URL to just the image for those printing from a mobile phone or device.


Okay, now look at the list of 12 obscure items below. Find each of them or go to the location, place the logo you printed out in front of them and once you have all 12 done, email the images to us at with the subject “12 Year Hunt” – We WILL be sharing some of the pictures online and on social media, so make sure what is in your photos is okay for the public to see.


1) Yoda Toy/Figure/Plush

2) Star Wars branded grocery item

3) Plastic spork that IS NOT white or black

4) Coupon for Hemorrhoid Cream

5) A photo with a unicorn

6) In a fridge or freezer (not you, the 12 year image)

7) Non-Star Wars bobble head or pop

8) Sign or Product with something spelled incorrectly

9) A Pet or pet of a friend

10)Store receipt with an “embarrassing” item on it

11) In a store/mall/shopping center

12) In front of a Force Awakens Movie Poster

There will be TWO Winners (and it is possible for the same person to win both).

The Early Bird Prize – The first person that sends in all 12 photos that are in the proper format wins a $40 Gift Card to BBTS, they are still eligible for the grand prize.

2016-02-02 20_53_00-Yodasnews Visit You Will (@yodasnews) • Instagram photos and videos

Grand Prize (15 total items) – 1 AT-AT Driver ARTFX+ Statue from Kotobukiya, 1 12″ Darth Vader Figure from Hasbro, 12 Random 3 3/4″ figures from Andrew’s Toyz, and 1 Star Wars Science Item from Uncle Milton

2016-02-02 20_53_36-Yodasnews Visit You Will (@yodasnews) • Instagram photos and videos 2016-02-02 20_53_21-Yodasnews Visit You Will (@yodasnews) • Instagram photos and videos

We will pick one random person from all the people who find all items or locations and send in 12 correct photos (early bird winner is eligible and part of the random pool the grand prize will be selected from). You must send in all your pictures before 11:59pm EST on 2/7/16. The random winner will get all 15 items listed above under Grand Prize.

Recap, you need to send 12 unique pictures and each one must include the logo above and be an actual picture – no google images or Photoshop is allowed. Of course, you will have to improvise (like for the unicorn – think a plush, a toy, make one out of clay, etc….)


YN 12 YEAR Giveaway #1 – Gentle Giant AT-AT Bookend Set

Today, we kick off the first of many giveaways that will take place all month long. The first prize up for grabs is a Gentle Giant AT-AT Bookend set!


We’ll make this one easy to enter. Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Happy 12 Year – Gentle Giant AT-AT Bookend” and we will pick one person at random on 2/5/2016 to take home the prize! Due to the weight of this item, this giveaway is only open to the USA and Canada. Don’t worry, we will have plenty of prizes coming up that ship worldwide.

You MUST include your full name and mailing address for the prize in the email for it to count. You may enter once per 24 hours from 2/1/2016 to 2/4/2016 11:59EST.

Check back tomorrow as we announce another giveaway, and keep checking and following us at all our social network sites 24/7. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of entering this giveaway at the bottom of this page

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THANK YOU for letting us bring you the news to you for the last 11 years!

Celebrating Our 12 Year Anniversary! Prizes All Month Long!


For the past 12 years, we have had the honor of bringing you daily news, product reviews and coverage of many conventions. We have enjoyed sharing our love of Star Wars with you. As our 12 year anniversary is upon us, we would like to thank both our staff and our readers. To our staff, we are grateful for the commitment, drive, and energy that you to bring to Yodasnews. Without your tireless dedication, none of this would be possible. To our readers, it is your dedication and loyalty that keeps alive this great franchise; it is a pleasure and an honor to share it with you.

During the month of February, we have amazing giveaways planned to thank you, our readers, for all your support over the last 12 years! This year, we have over 300 prizes worth over $5,000!

Also, as with previous anniversaries, we are giving away prizes for both our casual readers and those who follow us on social media. Keep your eye out for special events to test your creativity, fun and competitive trivia nights, and much more. It all starts today, stay tuned for how to enter the first giveaway around noon EST today!

Some of the items up for grabs include:

  • Five $40 Gift Certificates to BBTS
  • First Order Heavy Gunner 1/6 Scale by Sideshow Collectibles
  • Limited Edition Art Prints
  • San Diego Comic Con Black Series Jabba The Hut
  • Hasbro Black Series Rey Figure
  • Hasbro Micro Machine Play Set
  • Kotobukiya Snowtrooper 2 Pack ARTFX
  • Kotobukiya AT-AT Driver ARTFX
  • Star Wars The Force Awakens Galaxy Premiere Ticket
  • 2016 Membership Kit to Rancho Obi-Wan which includes a T-Shirt
  • Two Gentle Giant Endor Rebel Mini Busts
  • Two Gentle Giant AT-AT Bookends
  • Two Gentle Giant Jumbo Biker Scouts
  • Two Gentle Giant Jumbo Wickets
  • Gentle Giant Zam Wessel Statue
  • Gentle Giant Star Wars Bookend
  • Over 50 Action Figures From various Lines Over The Last Five Years (Black Series, Clone Wars, etc.)
  • Star Wars Science Items from Uncle Milton
  • And more…

2016-01-31 12 Year Star Wars Giveaway Party!

You can see these, as well as, other prizes right here. Of course, none of this could be possible without the generosity and support of our Anniversary Sponsors, so be sure to check them out on our prize page. The first giveaway will kick off shortly.
