Prize Bundle #6 Winner of the Gentle Giant Statue and Maquette Jackpot!

The winner of this bundle (valued at over $600) which included a Death Trooper Deluxe Statue. a White Clone Trooper Deluxe Statue, a Clone Wars Holographic Pre Vizsla Maquette and a Boba Fett (Holiday Special) Animated Maquette is Robert L. from AZ

Congrats Robert, hope you have room for all your new additions! We will kick off more prizes this weekend.  If you won a prize in February, the last batch of prizes will go out tomorrow!


The 11 Year Giveaways Will Continue In March!

The prize bundles will continue in March as we still have a bunch of great prizes to giveaway!

Keep checking the website and all our social pages for when then go up!  We will also have another Trivia night this week with Gift Cards, Figures and Banks!  We still have a Stormtrooper Premium Format™ Figure by Sideshow Collectibles, a Gentle Giant Han Mynock Diamond Exclusive mini bust, a Gentle Giant Tusken Raider on Bantha PGM Exclusive Statue, a  Sideshow Tedn D’hai & Nalan Cheel (Bith Band 2-pack) and more!


Prize Bundle #6 – Gentle Giant Statue and Maquette Jackpot!

The winner of this bundle will get about 25 pounds of Gentle Giant LTD Awesome at their door!

The winner of this bundle (valued at over $600) will take home a Death Trooper Deluxe Statue. a White Clone Trooper Deluxe Statue, a Clone Wars Holographic Pre Vizsla Maquette and a Boba Fett (Holiday Special) Animated Maquette.


This one starts now (2/28) and ends on 3/2/2015 at 11:59pm EST.

Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Gentle Giant Statue and Maquette Jackpot!” and we will pick one person at random to take home the prize pack! Because of the weight and size, this is only open to resident of the United States (please  be sure to read the terms and conditions of entering this giveaway at the bottom of this page)

You must make the subject “Gentle Giant Statue and Maquette Jackpot!” (quotes or no quotes does not matter) and you must include your full shipping address, incomplete or incorrect entries won’t count.

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THANK YOU for letting us bring the news to you for the last 11 years!

Prize Bundle #5 WINNER! Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega!

The winner of Prize Bundle #5  is Andrea C. from GA – Andrea won a Sideshow Geonosis Battle Droid Command and Count Dooku Hologram 1/6 Scale Figure,  a Sideshow 1/6 Scale Captain Rex Phase II  an Uncle Milton Star Wars Force Lightning Energy Ball and a Yoda and Vader  Yo Men High Performance Character Yo-Yos and Action Stands from Yomega! 


Last Day To Enter for Prize Bundle #5 – Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega!

Last day to enter for  YN 11 Year Bundle #5!


The winner of this bundle will get a Sideshow Geonosis Battle Droid Command and Count Dooku Hologram 1/6 Scale Figure,  a Sideshow 1/6 Scale Captain Rex Phase II  an Uncle Milton Star Wars Force Lightning Energy Ball and a Yoda and Vader  Yo Men High Performance Character Yo-Yos and Action Stands from Yomega! 

Ends on 2/23/2015 at 11:59pm EST.

Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega” and we will pick one person at random to take home the prize pack! This is open WORLDWIDE (please  be sure to read the terms and conditions of entering this giveaway at the bottom of this page)

You must make the subject “Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega” (quotes or no quotes does not matter) and you must include your full shipping address, incomplete or incorrect entries won’t count.

Yodasnews on Google Plus Yodasnews on Twitter Yodasnews on YouTube Yodasnews on Facebook

THANK YOU for letting us bring the news to you for the last 11 years!

Year 11 Giveaway: 2015 Membership Kit to Rancho Obi-Wan

Want to win a 2015 Membership Kit to Rancho Obi-Wan which includes a T-Shirt?

Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Rancho Obi-Wan” and one lucky person will win a 2015 Membership Kit to Rancho Obi-Wan, located in Petaluma, CA, about an hour north of San Francisco! Giveaway starts now and ends on 2/25/15 at 11:59 EST.


For more information, got to,, or follow them on twitter at @RanchoObiWan

Prize Bundle #5 – Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega!

Today, we are kicking off Prize Bundle #5 and it would be a great win for a family, some fun for everyone!


The winner of this bundle will get a Sideshow Geonosis Battle Droid Command and Count Dooku Hologram 1/6 Scale Figure,  a Sideshow 1/6 Scale Captain Rex Phase II  an Uncle Milton Star Wars Force Lightning Energy Ball and a Yoda and Vader  Yo Men High Performance Character Yo-Yos and Action Stands from Yomega! 

This one starts now (2/21) and ends on 2/23/2015 at 11:59pm EST.

Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega” and we will pick one person at random to take home the prize pack! This is open WORLDWIDE (please  be sure to read the terms and conditions of entering this giveaway at the bottom of this page)

You must make the subject “Sideshow with a side of Uncle Milton and Yomega” (quotes or no quotes does not matter) and you must include your full shipping address, incomplete or incorrect entries won’t count.

Yodasnews on Google Plus Yodasnews on Twitter Yodasnews on YouTube Yodasnews on Facebook

THANK YOU for letting us bring the news to you for the last 11 years!

REMINDER: YN 11 Year – Prize Bundle #4 – Gentle Giant Goodies!

REMINDER: 2 days left to enter!

We will be pretty busy at NYTF the next 4 days, so this is another easy one to enter!  The winner of this bundle will get a  Dengar Jumbo 12″ Kenner Figure, a Yoda Ilum statue and a SDCC 2013 exclusive Boba Fett Deluxe mini bust!


Once we get back home, we have over 150 prizes still left and we will hold our usual Trivia Nights and Scavenger Hunts for some more great prizes, but this one starts now (2/13) and ends on 2/17/2015 at 11:59pm EST.

Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Gentle Giant Goodies” and we will pick one person at random to take home the prize pack! This is open ONLY TO USA SHIPPING ADDRESSES.

You must make the subject “Gentle Giant Goodies” (quotes or no quotes does not matter) and you must include your full shipping address, incomplete or incorrect entries won’t count.  Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of entering this giveaway at the bottom of this page

Yodasnews on Google Plus Yodasnews on Twitter Yodasnews on YouTube Yodasnews on Facebook

THANK YOU for letting us bring the news to you for the last 11 years!

YN 11 Year – Prize Bundle #4 – Gentle Giant Goodies!

We will be pretty busy at NYTF the next 4 days, so this is another easy one to enter!  The winner of this bundle will get a  Dengar Jumbo 12″ Kenner Figure, a Yoda Ilum statue and a SDCC 2013 exclusive Boba Fett Deluxe mini bust!


Once we get back home, we have over 150 prizes still left and we will hold our usual Trivia Nights and Scavenger Hunts for some more great prizes, but this one starts now (2/13) and ends on 2/17/2015 at 11:59pm EST.

Just send us an e-mail to with the subject “Gentle Giant Goodies” and we will pick one person at random to take home the prize pack! This is open ONLY TO USA SHIPPING ADDRESSES.

You must make the subject “Gentle Giant Goodies” (quotes or no quotes does not matter) and you must include your full shipping address, incomplete or incorrect entries won’t count.  Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of entering this giveaway at the bottom of this page

Yodasnews on Google Plus Yodasnews on Twitter Yodasnews on YouTube Yodasnews on Facebook

THANK YOU for letting us bring the news to you for the last 11 years!

YN 11 Year – Prize Bundle #2 Winners!

The random winner of Prize Bundle #2  is John N. from FL! John takes home a Kotobukiya HAN SOLO & CHEWBACCA ARTFX+ STATUE, a YOMEGA Yo-Yo,  and Six random Hasbro 3 3/4″ figures!

The winner for best comment and the $20 gift card to BBTS  is Ajay M. for his comment “My Star Wars collection needs to awaken!”

Thanks to all who entered and look for more great bundles coming soon!


2015-02-03 11 Year Star Wars Giveaway Party!

Reminder – YN 11 Year – Prize Bundle #2

Reminder: Less than 48 hours left to enter this one, we will close down entries at 5pm EST on 2/10/15

Let’s kick today off with another bundle prize pack,  that includes a Kotobukiya HAN SOLO & CHEWBACCA ARTFX+ STATUE, a YOMEGA Yo-Yo,  and Six random Hasbro 3 3/4″ figures!


Let’s have a little fun with this one. Send us an e-mail to with the subject “Kotobukiya Han Solo ” and in 10 words on less, why you want this prize pack. We will pick one person at random on 2/10/2015 to take home the prize pack!

In addition, from the same above entries, Mark will  read all the comments and pick one he likes the best and that person will win a $20 Gift Card to Big Bad Toy Store!

2015-02-03 11 Year Star Wars Giveaway Party!

YN 11 Year – Prize Bundle #3 – Yoda Cake!

We are going to have some fun with this bundle prize pack!  We are asking readers to make a Yoda themed cake to celebrate our 11 year anniversary! It can be a real cake, a clay cake, a cardboard cake or even a drawing of a cake! Be creative and send your picture or design to us at with the subject “Yoda Cake ” – Please include your full mailing address in the submission.

Send in your pictures by 8pm EST on 2/10/2015. We will pick TWO that we like best on  2/11/2015 and EACH winner will get a $50 Gift Card to AP Collectibles, a  Yomega Yoda YoMen Yoyo and a Vintage-Style Jocasta Nu Action Figure!  ALL entries will be shared on the site and on social media.