Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions


Are you ready to stand up against the Empire and join the rebels? Become a galactic hero in Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions [Free]; a full paced action platformer based on the new Star Wars Rebels animated series which is set 5 years before Episode IV of the movie franchise. Blasters, light sabers, mines and vehicles in a side scrolling platform action adventure… there’s finally a Star Wars game on the app store worth savoring.
It’s an exciting time in the Star Wars universe, these are the dark times; the Jedi’s have fallen and the empire is wrecking havoc and hunting down the last of the Jedi. The sound effects, music and the atmosphere take us closer to the Star Wars we love. It’s just the thing to fill the gap while we wait for J. J. Abrams to finish up “The Force Awakens” later in the year. True fans now have a new iOS game to play based on the Disney XD series and it’s phenomenal.
There have been a lot of Star Wars titles released on IOS over the years and lets be honest not all of them have been amazing. Disney Interactive and indie developer Gigataur, who have had the fortunate success of working with the largest entertainment companies in the world including Marvel and Mattel, have collaborated on Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions. The game is big budget and top quality! The graphics, which are metal optimized for IOS, are gorgeous and the game play is furious and well paced. The platformer is like no other, and the world is realistic with powerful visual effects giving players a life like and rare Star Wars Rebels experience.
You join a group of rebels who have come together to fight against the Empire and save the citizens of Lothal. You start out the game as Ezra, with a blaster for a weapon. The controls are smart and easy to use; there’s a one speed run, jump, double jump to get those hard to reach objects, and a ‘hold and drag’ virtual joystick which you use to aim at enemies, alarms, droids, fight your way past hordes of Imperial enemies, dodge TIE fighters, blast storm troopers, and drive an Imperial AT-MP walker, the highlight of the 3rd free level. The short movie clips in between levels are also excellent, and help draw you into the story, explaining the missions ahead with voice overs and animated action from the TV show.

Click here to read the full article.

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Premiere Date And Plot


After a successful season 1 run, Star Wars Rebels season 2 will debut at Celebration Anaheim on 18 April 2015.

The premiere will be followed by an encore screening of season one’s two-part finale, as well as a panel featuring Filoni, Prinze Jr, Vanessa Marshall (Hera Syndulla), Tiya Sircar (Sabine Wren), Steve Blum (Garazeb Orrelios), and Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger).

The StarWars website also hinted that the panel would feature a preview of the rest of the second season.

According to a report in TheForce, the full details of the Star Wars festival activities and panel discussions in Celebration Anaheim 2015 are out.

The report said that Star Wars Rebels Season Two global premiere screening will start at 5pm on 18 April.

“Witness the global premiere of Star Wars Rebels season two, which launches a whole new set of adventures for the Ghost crew and hints at the challenges to come under the shadow of their new adversary, Darth Vader. Attendees will be the first to see the two-part second season premiere following an encore screening of the thrilling season one finale.”

The season finale saw Ezra and his team defeating the Empire’s agents and the Inquisitor, and successfully rescuing Kanan. The episode also revealed the identity of Fulcrum to be Ahsoka Tano, and the storyline will continue into season 2.

‘Dark’ Star Wars rebels

Executive producer Dave Filoni talks season 2 and teases that season 1 is like A New Hope, and that season 2 will be, “more like Empire Strikes Back for our heroes.” For next season to have that darker tone, the stakes needed to be raised, he dished.

In season 2, the Rebels will continue to explore the back stories of Ezra and Kanan, but also the rest of the Ghost’s crew, as Filoni admitted that they, “didn’t really begin to scratch the surface on some of them.”

Ahsoka training Kanan and Ezra

With Ahsoka Tano revealed as Fulcrum, the Rebel coordinator, there were about a million possibilities opened up for the storyline of season 2. While there are many interactions fans want to see, the one thing that tops the list is Ahsoka training with Kanan and Ezra to hone their Jedi skills.

Empire will bounce back

With the Inquisitor dead, a Star Destroyer demolished, and Grand Moff Tarkin personally insulted in the season 1 finale, it’s time for us to see the Empire strike back.

Also, with Darth Vader joining the series as a major menace facing the budding rebellion, season 2 will find Empire bouncing back, which means bad things for some of our favourite Rebels.

Ezra’s family

The Star Wars Rebels season 1 touched on the topic of Ezra’s parents, and that they were also secretly fighting against the Empire. However, what happens to them still remains a mystery.

The season 2 plot could delve deep into his family’s roots, and reveal if they were taken by the Empire, and corrupted or if they are still alive.

Season 2 cast update

Sarah Michelle Gellar (The Crazy Ones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) will join the voice cast in a recurring role for season two of the animated series.

Executive producer Dave Filoni said, “We’re thrilled to have Sarah Michelle Gellar on board for season two. She is a true ‘Star Wars Rebels’ fan and her passion undoubtedly comes through in the voice recording sessions.”

Sarah Michelle Gellar will join the talented voice cast that includes her husband Freddie Prinze Jr, Vanessa Marshall, Steve Blum, Tiya Sircar, Taylor Gray and David Oyelowo.

Also, reports say that the 2nd season will have more episodes than the first one.

Freddie Prinze Jr, who voices Kanan Jarrus on the show, revealed that the cast had recorded “nearly twice as many episodes” as the first season.

5 Things We Want in Star Wars: Rebels Season 2


How ‘bout that season finale, huh? By now, if you’re a die-hard Star Wars fan like me, you’ve probably watched the Star Wars Rebels season 1 finale at least 3 times. If you haven’t yet, well, obviously, spoiler alert! And get watching, I bet you’ll love it!

Now that the first season is over, of course there will be more viewings of the product as a whole to see what we might have missed, but instead of looking back, we like looking forward. The nature of animation means season two is already well underway, as evidenced by the picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar in the recording booth that was tweeted out to announce her joining the cast (and her husband, Freddie Prinze, Jr. who plays Kanan). Still, if Lucasfilm is reading, here are some things we’d like to see in season 2 of the DisneyXD animated series.

Click below to read the full article.

Star Wars: Kanan #1 Hits Six-Digit Sales

Via can confirm that Kanan #1, the April 1st-launching comic that serves as a spin-off prequel to the animated series Rebels has reached over 100,000 in sales via Diamond as of today’s Final Order Cutoff date. Unlike the others, Kanan #1 is limited to only four total covers; there were over 60 for Star Wars #1, 17 for Darth Vader #1, and 18 for Leia #1. That’s four consecutive launches in six digits, and depending on exact numbers, that should put Kanan in or very near the top five of releases for April. In January, after the far and above #1 of Star Wars, only three other comics crossed the 100k mark: two issues ofAmazing Spider-Man – #12 & #13, and Batman #38. Indeed, they were the only four issues over 75k.

Read the full story at



Via concludes its deep dive into Season One of Star Wars Rebels with executive producer Dave Filoni, discussing the biggest moments of the thrill-a-minute season finale — including the return of a certain Sith Lord and his former Padawan — and what it all means for the Ghost crew. (Consider this your official spoiler warning and, in case you missed them, be sure to read part one and part two of this interview!) On to the season finale. There was something about the Inquisitor’s death — and maybe you disagree — that seemed Jedi-like to me. He didn’t seem afraid to die; he accepted his death. Can you talk about that?

Dave Filoni: It’s interesting. The Inquisitor chose death because it was easier than facing the penalty for his failure. He’s afraid of Vader and knows he would probably die at his hand. That’s why he tells Kanan, “There are far worse things than death.” He gives in to death, but he doesn’t do it like Obi-Wan, surrendering in a poetic way, sacrificing himself for the greater good. The Inquisitor does it out of fear.

Click below to read the full article.



So that happened! And then that happened! And then THAT happened!

Yes, suffice to say, the Star Wars Rebels season finale was jam-packed with one major event after another, including a big character death and a huge character return – one that was notable enough to trump the impressive arrival of Darth Vader, even.

Click below to read the full article.


How ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Changed ‘Star Wars’ History


The first season of Star Wars Rebels is now in the books. The Star Wars history books, that is. Rebels was the first new piece of Star Wars content created after Disney bought the company in 2012. That in itself is pretty significant. Beyond that, the show was the first piece of official canon story linking what happened between the Original Trilogy and the Prequel Trilogy.

I know what you’re thinking. “Weren’t there numerous books and comics that told stories in that time frame?” Very true, but when Disney took over they wiped the Star Wars canon clean. The only things that officially happened in the new Star Wars canon are the six movies, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Any new content they release – books, comics, movies, etc. will all become official parts of the story, too.

So what does that mean? It means that what happened over the course of Star Wars Rebels season one matters. A lot. The actions of the characters and events that unfolded all have a real bearing on Star Wars as a whole. Those events have changed Star Wars history in some minor, and even some major ways. Ideally, you’d just watch all the episodes and see what I mean for yourself. Another option is to continue reading and find out how the Star Wars Rebels canon additions changed Star Wars history forever.

Note: I’m still catching up on The Clone Wars so if this is partially incorrect, my apologies.

Click below to read the full article.

Official Release: New Star Wars Rebels figures from Hasbro – Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano

We posted about these a  few days ago via and now Hasbro has made it official by sending us the latest release, see below:

Hi, Star Wars fans. In celebration of the Star Wars Rebels Season One finale,  Hasbro is thrilled to introduce the return of two incredible fan favorites:  Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano.  Seen for the first time in their unique Rebels styling, these 3.75” figures are a significant addition to Hasbro’s already extensive line of Star Wars Rebels action figures and role play toys. The figures will be available Fall 2015.



In part two of’s interview with Dave Filoni (in case you missed it, be sure to check out part one), the executive producer and co-creator of Star Wars Rebels addresses some of Season One’s biggest story elements (pre-tonight’s season finale), including giant fyrnocks, what makes Hera truly strong, and understanding truths from “a certain point of view.” The show clearly goes for that classic Star Wars tone. In approaching Rebels, which has a very different tone than Clone Wars, did you prepare differently?

Dave Filoni: Not really. I’m a firm believer that characters have to go through trials; otherwise it’s just not believable. It’s not like Ezra or the rest of the characters have a simple life. We get a little dark. The problem with dark storylines is, and I learned this on Clone Wars, they seem really fun when you pitch them, but the audience actually enjoys it far more when the heroes win. They’ll say they don’t, but it’s not true. It’s exhilarating when Luke blows up the Death Star — you’re excited about it. In Clone Wars, when we would defeat the bad guys, viewers were always more excited than when we’d kill off a favorite clone.

Topps Star Wars Rebels Box of Cards Giveaway!

Update 3/3/15 – 8:03 pm EST – Congrats to Hilary A. from PA for winning the box!  Topps will be shipping it direct to you next week!

Topps contacted us to let us know about the new Star Wars Rebels Cards and to offer our readers a full box on the house!  Check out the news and some images of the awesome cards below and email us at with the subject “Star Wars Rebels Box” and attach a picture of you with your favorite Rebels toy or collectible, your padawan watching the show, or anything Rebels related for your chance to win a sealed box of 24 packs!  You have 48 hours to send in the pictures, giveaway closed at 6pm EST on 3/3/15.  We will share our favorite pics and the winners pic on our Facebook Page!

The Topps Star Wars Rebels Trading Cards contains 100 base cards plus 20 stickers and 10 temporary tattoos. The cards tell the story of the exciting time right before ‘A New Hope’ as The Empire is tightening its grip on the galaxy and we are introduced to a small band of Rebels who are challenging their rule.

Our cards are available in mass retailers in the US (primarily Target) and on There are 6 cards per pack and $1.99 SRP. We are selling full boxes (24 packs per box) on

(Click the image to see the next one, 10 in total)