Homemade ‘Star Wars’ Trench Run

Via Mashable.com:

Many otherwise mature adults have dreamed for years of recreating the Death Star trench-running scene from Star Wars: A New Hope. Now our CineFix series, Homemade Movies—with special guest stars Chris Hardwick and Jonah Ray of The Nerdist podcast—shows how that might look.

This is an exact shot-for-shot recreation made entirely at home without fancy CGI or visual effects—just a lot of trash barrels, cardboard, toys, and love. May the DIY Force be with you.

Carrie Fisher’s Hilarious Reason Why Leia and Han Solo Broke Up

Via Cinemablend.com:

There was no shortage of twists and emotional bombs dropped in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and one of the biggest ones was the reveal that Han Solo and Leia Organa had broken up. The “it couple” of the galaxy far, far away had called it quits, with the exact reasoning left ambiguous — though it’s safe to say that it had something to do with their son Ben falling to the dark side. Carrie Fisher has her own version of why the couple broke up and, in typical Fisher fashion, it’s hilarious and full of euphemisms.

He smuggled way too much. And girls, I know you don’t want your husband smuggling, do you? Hanging out with the hairy guy too often. I think there are a lot of problems with that. He wouldn’t take me on that hyperspace thing enough… [that’s a] euphemism.

Carrie Fisher was the guest of honor at the Saskatoon Comic and Entertainment Expo (via NB), and in front of a crowd of Star Wars fans she revealed why Han and Leia put an end to their relationship. Apparently, Han spent too much time smuggling with the “hairy guy” and not enough at home with his wife. While hyperspace is a pretty good metaphor for a breakup, I’m not sure that it’s a particularly flattering one with regards to Han’s powers as a husband (hyperspace is awfully fast). Of course, it’s pretty safe to say that this is non-canonical, but it’s always nice to hear from Fisher. She’s typically hilarious and sarcastic about everything, and hearing her version of Star Wars events is almost always entertaining.

Click below to read the full article.


Via Ew.com:

The Star Wars franchise has produced a trove of quotables throughout the years. “Use the Force, Luke.” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Some new suggestions from Twitter users are not part of that trove.

The hashtag #ThingsNeverSaidInStars was trending on Twitter on Friday evening, and many of the suggestions infused parts of our world into that of the Rebels and the Galactic Empire.

Some mashed up song lyrics with captions of classic characters — take Leia paraphrasing Sir Mix-a-Lot’s hit “Baby Got Back,” or BB-8 channeling Chamillionaire. And for those ardent fans in the Star Trek/Star Wars conflict, there’s one that will boil your blood. (Unless you’re a Vulcan, naturally.)

Click below to see the full article.


Star Wars Quotes You Can Use In Real Life

Via Geek.com:

It’s hard to remember, but less than a decade ago, everyone was pretty sure that the Star Wars franchise was basically a zombie of its former self. The prequels were financially successful, but as the 2010s dawned, there was scarce new Star Wars content on the horizon. Obviously that all changed with the Disney-lead Star Wars resurgence and the success of The Force Awakens both critically and at the box office. Once again, Star Wars is relevant!

The father of the galaxy far far away, George Lucas, wasn’t necessarily known for being good with words when it came to writing his own scripts. Harrison Ford was famously frustrated working on the original material trying to deliver some of lines Lucas had written or directed him to perform. Since then, the Star Wars series has grown to become a cultural phenomena and most of the dialogue can be used in everyday situations to great effect. Some of these Star Wars quotes, especially those from the original film, are easily applicable to your everyday life.

We’ve left out some of the obvious ones, such as “I know” (Han Solo to Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes Back) in a response to people telling you they love you and “It’s a trap!” (Admiral Ackbar, Return of the Jedi) to either cry wolf when it is not a trap or make light of actual traps.

Click below to read the full article.


Via Nerdist.com:

Photoshop has got to be one of the most defining advents of our time. Spilled on your shirt for school pictures? No problem, we’ll just edit that out. Missed your annual friend reunion at Comic-Con and feel left out? Never fear, we’ll just plop a picture of you next to that Yoda cosplayer over there. Want to alter that classic vinyl cover so it has Han Solo‘s face on it instead of David Bowie‘s? Why the Long Play Face has gotchu covered.

Now, I’m not always a fan of editing real life just for the sake of a nice photo, but in this case, I’m fully on board. Why the Long Play Face specializes in photoshopping pop culture into iconic album art, and recently, Star Wars has gotten the bulk of the attention.

As Slashfilm points out, WTLPF’s mission also evokes another question: what would the albums in the Star Wars-verse be like? Music, even outside John Williams’ legendary scores, certainly plays an auxiliary role in the films. You’ve got Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes (a.k.a. the Cantina Band) from Star Wars: A New Hope, Sy Snootles and the Max Rebo Band in Return of the Jedi, and then the unnamed Star Wars: The Force Awakens band in Maz Kanata’s cantina (comprised of Taybin Ralorsa, Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins, Ubert “Sticks” Quaril, and Sudswater Dillifay Glon). What would their LP covers look like mashed-up with David Bowie’s face?

Click below to see the full article and album covers.




Via Superfi.co.uk:

We love to get creative here at Superfi.

As seen with our Apple and The Beatles collaboration, our Desperate Movie Sequels piece and our music/video game mash-up, we often like to create things that are a little out of the ordinary.

Oh, and that’s almost forgetting our Hipster Album Generator.

This time, we’ve decided to mix popular albums with Star Wars references. Why?

…Why NOT?

Obi Wan Direction – Up All Knight

Obi Wan Direction - Up All Knight

Rolling Clones – Tatooine You

Rolling Clones - Tattooine You

Lady JarJar – The Shame

Lady JarJar - The Shame

JABBA – Gold (Greatest Hutts)

JABBA - Gold (Greatest Hutts)

Taylor Sith – 1977

Taylor Sith

Boba Fettshop Boys – AT-ATually

Boba Fettshop Boys - AT-ATually

GreedoDay – Wookie

GreedoDay - Wookie

Tupacca – All Jediz on Me

2pacca - All Jediz on Me

Hoth Chocolate – 20 Hothest Hits

Hoth Chocolate - 20 Hothest Hits

JEdi Sheeran – X

Jedi Sheeran - X

R2DMC feat.  Aerosith – Ewok This Way

R2DMC - Ewok This Way

Republic Enemy – Fear of a Black Planet

Republic Enemy - Fear of a Black Planet

Yavin 5 – V

Yavin 5 - V