27 Facts About ‘Star Wars’ That You Had No Idea About

Via Sliptalk.com:

Star Wars made its theatrical debut in 1977 with its first film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Star Wars remains one of the most financially successful films of all time. The film earned $6.05 million through its opening weekend alone. Although I am sure you have seen at least one, but hopefully all of the Star Wars films. I can almost guarantee that you probably didn’t know all of these fun facts about the Star Wars movie empire. Mind blown, you will be!

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12 Photos That Prove ‘Star Wars’ Fans Have Better Snow Days

Via Mtv.com:

Snowmageddon might be sweeping through the east coast, but that wont stop us from Jedi mind-tricking ourselves out of the house. School and work might be cancelled, but this is no Battle of Hoth — it’s an excuse to have the best time ever. Take a few tips from these literal stormtroopers who make it look all too easy.

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Live Weather Map Forms Face Of Star Wars’ JABBA THE HUTT

Via Dailymail.co.uk:

In a galaxy far, far away he was one of the most feared crime bosses in the universe, with a particular distaste for plucky hero Han Solo.

But now the infamous Jabba the Hutt has appeared in our own galaxy – at least, in an animation showing weather patterns on Earth.

In the map, the face of the criminal overlord can be made out, with vortices representing his eyes and wind creating scaly, green skin.

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Star Wars Quotes As Break Up Lines

Via io9.com:

Inspired by tumblrs innovative re-purposing of Doctor Who quotes as pick up lines, I feel the need to present a counterpoint. Every unhappy relationship is unique, and Star Wars has you covered for a number of scenarios in which a relationship needs to be flushed as quickly and as brutally as possible.

We both know things have been bad for a long time , and it’s about time we both admit it:

“Search your feelings”

We can’t stop making eachother unhappy in this relationship:

“We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life.”

I find your manhood unimpressive:

“Aren’t you a little short for a storm trooper?”

Don’t make this difficult, you’re getting dumped no matter what :

“Into the garbage chute fly-boy”

It wasn’t all bad, just most of it:

“You do have your moments. Not many, but you have them.”

I can’t date outside my own religion:

“I find your lack of faith … disturbing”

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Peek At New Shakespeare ‘Star Wars’ Prequel Parody Cover

Via Cnet.com:

“O Threepio, Threepio! Wherefore art thou Threepio?”

“William Shakespeare’s The Phantom of Menace” — the fourth installment of Ian Doescher’s Shakespearean “Star Wars” parodies from Quirk Books — hits bookshelves on April 7, and CNET got an exclusive look at the cover.

The cover portrays Queen Amidala in all her regal glory, much like other Shakespearean leading ladies from “Macbeth,” “Hamlet” and “Romeo and Juliet.”

“The prequels are happening because time and time again, people approached me at readings of the ‘William Shakespeare’s Star Wars’ books and asked, hopefully, if I was going to write the prequels,” Doescher told Crave. “This was especially true for young people, for whom the prequels ARE Star Wars.”

Fans of both Shakespeare and “Star Wars” will be treated to a retelling of “The Phantom Menace” as only the Great Bard himself could have written. The saga starts with a tantalizing tale featuring a disguised queen, a young hero and two brave knights facing a secret evil enemy.

“I think ‘Star Wars’ fans will appreciate learning more about the inner lives of the characters in the prequels: Jar Jar Binks may not be as dumb as you think, the cloners do some funny things when they talk, and Mace Windu is every Samuel L. Jackson fan’s dream,” Doescher told Crave.

Just like a true Shakespearean drama the retelling is filled with sword fights, soliloquies and a doomed romance written in the stars. The tale is written iambic pentameter illustrated with 20 Elizabethanesque drawings.

“Shakespeare fans, I think, will appreciate having the full arc of Anakin Skywalker completed — the six-book series becomes The Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, and his downfall in Episode III is as Shakespearean as ‘Hamlet,’ ‘Macbeth’ or ‘King Lear,'” Doescher told Crave. “In other words, the ‘Shakespeare’s Star Wars’ prequel trilogy maintains the elements of the original books and adds a slew of new surprises!”

All three prequels will be released by Quirk Books this year leading up to the highly anticipated release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” on December 18.

Click here to see the cover.