Customized Rubies Han Solo DL-44 Blaster

Brett Bartniks shares his latest custom collectible.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

This I had purchased from party city. It had a lot of potential to look great. First I sanded the trademark and logos off it, then took the front piece out on the business end of the blaster. I then drilled little holes in the barrel of the blaster and scored the handle/grip with a razor. It’s time to paint now and this one was fairly easy. I used a spray paint primer then spray painted it black. Now its time for hand paint. I painted the barrel silver/chrome. Then dry brushed the rest of the gun to make it look as if metal was being exposed. I also dry brushed a little gold/rust in a couple areas of the scope. Now it was time to paint the handle/grip of the blaster to make it look like real wood. Last it was just going over the blaster with a black wash or black shoe polish to give it that weathered look. Hope you enjoy!


Custom Jakks Pacific BB-8 Big Fig

Brett Bartniks shares his latest custom collectible.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

I am not completely finished with this one yet. This is theJakks Pacific BB-8 big fig. I first weathered it and painted it to look as if he had been in the sand and on ships, then I removed the thumbs up plastic lighter and replaced it with a real torch lighter that I had painted and weathered as best as I could to make it like it was supposed to be there. The best thing about this figure is that it already has electronics in it so he talks and the real torch lighter I put in so he can give a thumbs up flame just like in the movie.

If anyonehas any ideas for a base just comment or email me at


Custom Rogue One Captain Cassian Andor Nerf Gun

Brett Bartniks shares his latest custom collectible.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

I took a Star Wars Rogue One Captain Cassian Andor nerf gun and painted it to look like his real blaster from the movie. I also painted the nerf darts and then custom cut and painted a Rebel logo as a base for the blaster and darts. The blaster sits perfectly on the base and the darts are held with screws. They can be taking off to use in the blaster.


Brett’s Customized 20″ Jakks Pacific K2-SO

Yodasnews reader, Brett, sent in pictures of his customized 20″ Jakks Pacific K2-SO.

“I just finished my most recent custom figure in K2-SO from Rogue One. I did some dremel work to his legs and arms, I gave him a custom paint job, make a custom wood base with sand to look like a scene from the movie and the best part is I put a battery pack inside his body attached to a led light in his head so his eyes would light up. There is an on/off switch on his back. It also has easy access to change out the batteries when needed. Hope everyone enjoys.”

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Custom R2-D2 Dagobah Scene Figure From Empire Strikes Back

Brett Bartniks shares his latest custom collectible.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

I bought the figure for $5 then proceeded to weather it. I them built my own base for the figure to look like a scene from Dagobah in Empire Strikes back. I will be customizing more figures and making more scenes from the movies. The cost was between $5-$10.






“The Prequels Strike Back: A Fan’s Journey” – Star Wars Documentary

Via Ministry Of Cinema on youtube:

Nearly two decades after the release of Star Wars: Episode I, Star Wars fans still heatedly debate the merits and the shortcomings of the controversial prequel films that brought to the world Jar Jar Binks, Darth Maul, midichlorians, and a purple lightsaber.

Unsure what to make of the films, a Star Wars fan treks across country interviewing dozens in search of answers. Are the prequel films masterpiece or disaster? Is George Lucas an inconsistent hack or a champion of a singular vision? And most important of all, is there a way to bring balance to the dark and light sides of fandom? As our hero discovers, much to learn, he still has.

The Prequels Strike Back was made possible through the generous contributions of time and money from fans all across the world. What resulted was a documentary that Star Wars fans deserved.



The Star Wars universe is expanding its cinematic reach, giving us stories like Rogue One and the upcoming Han Solo standalone film. While we know next to nothing about the Han Solo movie (apart from the actor who will be bringing young Solo and his pals Chewie and Lando Calrissian to life), Rogue One looks fantastic. So for the time being, everyone seems cautiously optimistic about the universe expanding in films.

However, there is one obvious place for the Star Wars films to go that hasn’t yet been announced, and that’s telling Obi-Wan Kenobi’s story. It seems like a no-brainer. Obi-Wan is a well-loved character with a pretty fascinating backstory, and unlike characters like Han, Lando, Luke, or Leia, a younger actor doesn’t have to be cast to play Obi-Wan. We’ve got Ewan McGregor who, regardless of your feelings about Episodes I through III, did a great job portraying the enigmatic Jedi.

Star Wars fan Rich Williamson decided that Obi-Wan’s story needed to be told, and decided to create a fabulous trailer for an Obi-Wan movie. Though it isn’t explicitly stated, the trailer makes it seem that Williamson’s film would focus on the Jedi between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Take a peek:

TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story

UnBoxed Films presents, TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story, the gritty tale of a loyal Imperial Stormtrooper who is forced to confront his past in the heat of an epic battle. It is directors Samtubia & Samgoma Edwards. It is imagined from a perspective that is seldom explored within the Star Wars universe.

Winner of the 2016 Filmmaker Select Award at Star Wars Celebration Europe. It was chosen by a panel of judges that included Rouge One: A Star Wars Story’s director Gareth Edwards, executive producer John Knoll of Industrial Light & Magic, and co-producer John Swartz.