ASK JAKKS – June 2015


Scott Neitlich is the new Director of Action Figure and Collector product at JAKKS Pacific.  He reached out to select Star Wars sites and gave us the opportunity to participate in an Q&A Monthly session called ASK JAKKS, here is our second segment.  Enjoy, and if you have a question you want us to ask Scott, let us know!  If you missed it last month click here to read our May 2015 questions

Chris from YN: In the Big Figs lines do you have any plans or looked into doing some creatures, like Tauntaun, Dewback, or even Jabba in the 20″ 18″?

Scott: This is something that does fall into our contract rights and would be a ton of fun to do. Really the catch is that a retailer (or retailers) are needed to support such a large and expensive item. It doesn’t mean something like this is off the table, and we have had many discussions. We just don’t have specific plans to announce…yet.

C: In the Big Figs lines is there any chance we could see any small vehicles like a Landspeeder or Speeder Bike in 20″ 18″ line?

S: Pretty much the same answer as above. We have thought a lot about these type of things and would love to tackle them. It just takes finding the right retail partner or partners who would be interested in carrying this type of item to help get it out to collectors. Never say never!

C: Is there a place us fans can go to give you our feedback or any character suggestions to you? Like your Facebook or Twitter page?

S: Those are both excellent places. Our Facebook page is and our twitter handle is @jakkstoys.


10 Questions with Amy Ratcliffe


Amy Ratcliffe is a leading lady in the Star Wars Community. She is a writer for Geek with Curves (personal blog), The Official Star Wars Blog, Star Wars Insider Magazine, IGN, Nerdist, Blastoff Comics to name a few.  Today she was kind enough to site down with Chris to answer a few questions for

Chris: What was your first experience with Star Wars? How did that experience affect you?

Amy:  I came to Star Wars later than most people I talk to. I first experienced the saga with Episode IV when it was re-released in theaters ahead of the prequel trilogy. I was – and still am – impressed by how well the film holds up. The dialogue, the world, the costumes and sets – every piece takes you out of world and time somewhere else. That is not usually the reaction I have when I see films made in the ’70s. That someone could tell such a timeless story stuck with me.

At what point did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What do you like to write about most?

 I didn’t realize what I wanted to be when I grew up until my mid-late twenties. I liked writing fictional short stories for assignments in high school and college but struggled with writing anything long form. Eventually I stumbled into blogging and reporting and realized that was my home, so to speak. It will not surprise you to learn my favorite topic to write about is pop culture.

When you first starting to write seriously, did you have the desire to write for geek sites and publications? Or is that something you just eventually ended up writing about?

At first, I just wanted to write and get my words out there. I initially started by blogging about food, life, and travel, and though I enjoyed it, the subject wasn’t quite a home run for me. Then I had this very lightbulb turning on, aha moment and realized I should use writing as an outlet to discuss all the geeky things I love.

Once I started Geek with Curves, I intentionally wrote different type of posts (and always stayed professional with spelling and grammar) to build up a portfolio of sorts. I started connecting with fellow geeks and Star Wars fans on Twitter, and some of those pals ended up being editors and my writing career has developed from there.

I grew up with a twin sister who also loved Star Wars, not obsessed like me, but a big fan. So for me I always knew there were female fans out there. Did you ever have any problems growing up being a Star Wars fan? Being picked on or such things?

Since I didn’t find Star Wars until my teenage years, I wasn’t bullied on that topic. However, I was very much the girl alone in the corner with my nose buried in a book. You know the opening song in Beauty and the Beast where the townspeople think Belle is super weird because she likes to read? I felt like Belle in that regard. My appreciation for Star Trek wasn’t necessarily understood either.


Being a strong female in the Star Wars community, do you feel an obligation to young female fans or want to show young female fans it’s okay to be a fan of what you love?

I make it a point to encourage everyone to embrace his or her fandom. No one should feel ashamed for loving the stories they love. That said, I will always go out of my way to interact with younger female fans. If I see a girl wearing a R2-D2 shirt at Disney, I compliment her on it. I saw a girl around 10 wearing a handmade Sabine Wren costume at a convention this year and stopped to talk to her about her cosplay – she was clearly in love with the character. I don’t think I’m necessarily making a difference, but I know that as a kid, if an adult who likes the things I like took a second to encourage me, I would have appreciated it and felt more at home. I want to do my part and contribute to a positive, welcoming environment that overruns gatekeepers and doesn’t use phrases like “true fan.”

You were part of several panels at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, which one was your favorite and what exclusive was a must have?

Celebration Anaheim was such a joyful blur. I was fortunate enough to sit on and attend several memorable panels, but it was hard to top The Force Awakens panel. It kicked off the convention, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the palpable energy present in that room or the incredible emotion of watching a new teaser with thousands of other fans. It was one of the highest highs I’ve experienced in my life.

As far as exclusives, the top item on my wish list was the singing Max Rebo plush. The lines for the Celebration store were always long, and my work schedule was such that I didn’t think I’d have enough time to wait. Thankfully, two friends picked one up for me when they shopped on the first day of the convention and now I can hear “Lapti Nek” whenever I want.

When you’re at conventions with friends, what do you like to do most?

Every convention is different and it can be hard to coordinate with friends because of schedules and crowds, but whenever I can, I like to just walk the exhibit hall with pals – especially the Artists’ Alley (if there is one). We can catch up, help with rationalizing purchases, and hold each other’s stuff while we take turns picking collectibles up or trying clothes on.

What kind of Star Wars items do you like to collect? Do you have a holy grail you are still looking for?

 My Star Wars collection is all over the map. I’m not a completist by any means and just buy what I like. I’m a fan of the behind the scenes and reference books, a total sucker for anything cute (those Star Tots collectibles at Celebration are perfect), and I really like the animated style maquettes. The Boushh animated maquette is a collectible I’ve been wanting for a while and will probably be my next purchase.

Who is your favorite Star Wars characters and your favorite movie?

I have two favorite characters in the galaxy far, far away: Han Solo and Ahsoka Tano. I love Han’s devil-may-care attitude, and his confident but casual approach to life is something I’d like to channel. I’m also impressed with how the character evolved over the original trilogy. And as a huge fan of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka just means a lot to me. She became so much more than just Anakin’s Padawan and really grew up and found her own path. I’m thrilled she’s back in Star Wars Rebels.

My favorite Star Wars film is The Empire Strikes Back, no question. The middle chapter is packed with so many moments important to the evolution of the saga and also, tauntauns.

I have two tattoos myself, have you added any new Star Wars Ink since your Rebel symbol?

My Rebel Alliance tattoo is my only Star Wars one at the moment, but I’m planning to add a X-wing silhouette to my left wrist next. I hope to have that in the next month. I’m also strongly considering the Star Wars Rebels phoenix symbol.

A huge thank you goes out to Amy for taking the time to chat with us. Click here to follow Amy on Twitter @amy_geek

Top 5 Lightsaber Battles – Number 1

This in my mind is the greatest lightsaber battle from the films. I put this one #1 over the Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker Empire battle because this battle was so equally matched. Plus the bonus of cutting back and forth between Yoda vs. Darth Sidious/Emperor battle.

#1  Obi-Wan vs. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

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Yes this battle is by far the longest of all the battles, but Obi-Wan and Anakin know each other so well and are equally matched on lightsaber skills, it makes for the best battle. This battle starts off great, Obi-Wan draws his lightsaber first. Obi-Wan doesn’t want to fight, but he will do what he must. Obi-Wan knows he has no choice but to kill Anakin. They start with a barrage of lightsaber swings, it’s hard to tell which is which. Anakin is angry and just gets madder as they fight. Obi-Wan keeps his feelings in check the entire battle. This battle can seem to dull down a bit during the middle of the battle because they are equally matched, so cutting back and forth with the Yoda vs. Emperor battle cranks up this entire sequence. During the Yoda battle Yoda stands his ground against the Emperor. I love how the Emperor is just laughing and cackling during this battle, he is having a ball with Yoda. Yoda finally concedes this battle for another day. Yoda realizes he won’t gain anything with this battle so he gets out.

Back to Obi-Wan and Anakin with them fighting down the lava river coming to a stop on the shore line. Obi-Wan leaps to the shore and gains the high ground. Obi-Wan is calm and Anakin is consumed with the dark side and can’t think clearly. Anakin simply thinks his power will win the battle and Obi-Wan shows him he was wrong. The ending of this battle is so gut wrenching with Obi-Wan…. “You were my brother Anakin… I loved you” and Anakin childish I’m not gonna get my way line “I hate you”. Obi-Wan takes his lightsaber and leaves him for dead. Can’t get much better than that.

Top 5 Lightsaber Battles – Number 2

This is a great battle between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Luke comes to save his friends and he ends up facing Darth Vader. Luke thinks he is ready and learns really quick that he is not up to this challenge. Luke battles hard against Darth Vader, but Vader just toys with Luke. This battle is so great because we get to see Darth Vader beat down Luke mentally and psychically. Then Darth Vader reveals he is Luke’s father, and at this point Luke is just broken.

#2 Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker from The Empire Strikes Back

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This is a great battle between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Luke comes to save his friends and he ends up facing Darth Vader. Luke thinks he is ready and learns really quick that he is not up to this challenge. Luke battles hard against Darth Vader, but Vader just toys with Luke. This battle is so great because we get to see Darth Vader beat down Luke mentally and psychically. Then Darth Vader reveals he is Luke’s father, and at this point Luke is just broken.

Darth Vader starts this battle out by just toying with Luke in the carbonite chamber. Darth Vader could have a easily just killed Luke, but Darth Vader wants to pound on Luke. By the time Vader gets Luke in the Cloud City gantry he literally just pounds Luke with flying objects. By the time Vader has Luke on the edge, Vader thinks he can get Luke to join him and together they can rule the galaxy. Luke decides he would rather die than join him, so he jumps off. Leia finally finds Luke as he is completely broken mentally and psychically.

This battle is so good watching Darth Vader give Luke the beat down. A fight to the death is not the objective of this battle.

Come back Wednesday to see what #1 is.

Top 5 Lightsaber Battles – Number 3

We have all loved lightsaber battles since we first saw Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi ignite his lightsaber against Darth Vader in Star Wars in 1977. I mean everybody loves the lightsaber battles right? Of course we do. So I am going to do a short series of articles on my Top 5 lightsaber battles from the Star Wars films. I am not going to include the Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, just the films. So today we have #3 on my list and why I think this battle is the 3rd best lightsaber battle

#3 Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker from Return of the Jedi

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I put this battle #3 on my list. This is my favorite moment in all the films because this is the climax of the saga. As far as a lightsaber battle I have to put it at #3 because this is a shorter battle than most broken up and spread out over some time. This is a great battle because we get to see Luke as a Jedi for the only time. Luke shows he has come a long way since the fight in Cloud City. Luke tries his best to not fight during this battle. Darth Vader and the Emperor try to turn Luke to the Dark Side. Darth Vader and the Emperor have two choices for Luke at this point, join us or die. Luke comes in with a third option, redeem his father and bring him back to the light side.

This battle moves along kinda uneventful until Luke hides under the catwalk. Vader realizes at this point the only way to draw Luke out is to attack his sister. Once Vader brings up the option of turning Leia to the dark side, Luke snaps and comes at Vader full force. Vader realizes right away he has pissed Luke off and can’t handle Luke’s rage. Luke cuts down Vader and sees his severed hand and realizes he has to stop. You just can’t top Luke standing before the Emperor and saying “I am a Jedi like my father before me”. What a climax to a saga.

Come back Monday to see what #2 is.

Top 5 Lightsaber Battles – Number 4

We have all loved lightsaber battles since we first saw Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi ignite his lightsaber against Darth Vader in Star Wars in 1977. I mean everybody loves the lightsaber battles right? Of course we do. So I am going to do a short series of articles on my Top 5 lightsaber battles from the Star Wars films. I am not going to include the Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, just the films. So today we have #4 on my list and why I think this battle is the 4th best lightsaber battle

#4 Yoda vs. Count Dooku

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I put this battle at #4 before the Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul fight because well it’s freaking Yoda. Even though this is a short battle, we get enough of Yoda fighting to digest. They didn’t give us to much or to little.

I love the way Yoda walks into the room slow like Yoda does, groaning as he walks. George Lucas gives us that old western style move with Yoda sliding his cloak back with his hand to reveal his Lightsaber. Then uses the Force to draw it into his hand and gives us a little spin with the saber before striking his pose for battle. Seeing this for the first time was so exciting for me, not knowing how Yoda would fight. I love the fact that they made him jumping around all over the place. This style makes sense for his character. To me Count Dooku is in over his head with Yoda, because he is quickly looking for a way out. He uses the Force to pull down a huge metal structure on top of Obi-Wan and Anakin to force Yoda to make a decision. Yoda decides to help Obi-Wan and Anakin instead of continuing to attack Dooku. Of course Dooku uses this to escape.

Come back Friday to see what #3 is.

Top 5 Lightsaber Battles

We have all loved lightsaber battles since we first saw Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi ignite his lightsaber against Darth Vader in Star Wars in 1977.  I mean everybody loves the lightsaber battles right? Of course we do. So I am going to do a short series of articles on my Top 5 lightsaber battles from the Star Wars films. I am not going to include the Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, just the films. So today we are gonna start off with #5 on my list and why I think this battle is the 5th best lightsaber battle

#5  Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul

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I love this battle because this is the first time we get to see more than two characters battling with lightsabers. When The Phantom Menace was released we had only seen the Original Trilogy and all of those battles were simply choreographed with only two characters.  This was the first battle we didn’t get any smack talk before and during the fight. This was the first battle to use more action with flips, leaps and general athletic moves.  The music along with the vocals used for this fight really steps up the action and the emotion of the fight. This starts out with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fighting Darth Maul together for part of the battle, but Darth Maul soon knocks Obi-Wan off a level to separate them and give him an advantage with his awesome double-bladed lightsaber. This battle really shows some emotion once Obi-Wan gets caught between the red lighted sections and has to watch Darth Maul stab Qui-Gon through the chest. This moment directly mirrors Obi-Wan’s death by the hands of Darth Vader in A New Hope, that is why we get Obi-Wan screaming NO the same way Luke did. At this point Darth Maul has a lot of confidence in himself and the Dark Side waiting for Obi-Wan to get free from the red lighted sections. Once that field drops we see Obi-Wan come at Darth Maul with such anger and aggression that Darth Maul soon realizes he might be at the disadvantage, but Obi-Wan’s anger almost gets him killed. Hanging for his life I believe in that moment Obi-Wan learns a lesson about controlling your anger. Cutting Darth Maul in half just tops off this great lightsaber battle.

Come back Wednesday to see what #4 is.

ASK JAKKS – May 2015


Scott Neitlich is the new Director of Action Figure and Collector product at JAKKS Pacific.  Last month, he reached out to select Star Wars sites and gave us the opportunity to participate in an Q&A Monthly session called ASK JAKKS, here is our first segment.  Enjoy, and if you have a question you want us to ask Scott, let us know!

Chris from YN: Do you have any plans for other Star Wars product lines besides the various action figures and flash lights so far?  Anything that you can share with us?

Scott: At this time our Star Wars focus in on our Big Figs lines which includes 20” (18”), 31” and 48” figures as well as the Flashlights. We do have some amazing expansions of our Big Fig lines and you can look for more details at the summer conventions this year!

C: With the various size action figures we are getting the Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Rebels, and the EU so far. With such a variety on so few figures so far, how are you choosing who to make? Do you have a specific focus?

S: For retail releases in Star Wars we tend to focus on the most well known characters that will appeal to moms/dad and their kids, like Scout Troopers, Darth Vader, Ezra, Chewbacca and Boba Fett. For collector specific executions we hope to dig a little deeper in the character selection as well as offer more detail and accessories. We hope to have more news about collector specific Star Wars figures later this year!

C: We know there will be The Force Awakens product coming, can you tell us when we will start seeing those?

S: Sorry but we cannot comment on Episode 7 product at this time.