
Earlier this year, Lucasfilm held a contest for its employees to design a Star Wars-themed T-shirt that would be featured at the Celebration event in Anaheim. What they ended up going with was pretty cool — several generations of Star Wars heroes, starships, and locations squeezed into a galactic delta, the ultimate power in the universe. spoke with contest winner Sean Burke, a former intern in the Lucasfilm Art Department, who discussed the challenges of creating his design and the inspiration he received from iconic Star Wars imagery. What is your background as an artist?

Sean Burke: Originally I was a Fine Arts major at Connecticut College, and then after studying Fine Arts for a while I decided I wanted to specialize in something a little more practical. I got really into concept art, and ended up leaving Connecticut College to come to California and studied at four or five different schools here, just taking as many classes as I could and diving into the concept art world. Right now, I’m still learning and I’m actually still in school while I’m working here, but I’m trying to soak up as much concept art knowledge and experience as possible.

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Abandoned ‘Star Wars’ Plot Points


In the beginning (or, August of 2012 to be more accurate) there was Abandoned ‘Star Wars’ Plot Points, Episode I: The Ties That Surround Us, Bind Us and Penetrate Us… and it was good. Then, in February of 2013 came Abandoned ‘Star Wars’ Plot Points, Episode II: The Force Behind the Scenes, which was even better and more popular.

And now it’s time for the long awaited “Episode III”, though I might have skipped straight to VII considering all. Why? For years after Return of the Jedi (1983), there was little or no Star Wars news, which is as hard to imagine as the Cubs winning the pennant. Now, especially after the announcement of the much anticipated “Sequel Trilogy”, the news about our favorite space saga is not only omnipresent but seemingly changes every day.

At the time of this writing the internet is buzzing like a mynock chewing on a power cable about the new teaser trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. Who are these people? What does it mean? Is Han taking Rogaine? What happened to Luke’s Michael Jackson glove? Is Vader returning? If not, who is taking Vader’s place? Who is holding the helmet as if to pensively say “Alas, poor Vader, I knew him, Horatio!”? Is Chewie taking Rogaine?

If you’re reading this from the future (in which case… I wonder if I’m dead), you already know the answers to these questions and this article may seem immediately dated. Not so fast! Read on… you never really know what is and isn’t going into your Star Wars movie. There were a lot of amazing and even fleshed out concepts that were completely abandoned before screen time. Let us once again take a peek at what might have been in that “Galaxy Far, Far Away”, true believers!

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Force Awakens Hasbro 6″ First Order Stormtrooper Hits The Bay!

Thanks to everyone who wrote it (can’t list them all) – most who saw this first at (via a report from Wolfpack Podcast) – We have our first look at the Hasbro First Order Stormtrooper, it’s currently up for auction at over $150, but click here or below to see all the images!

$_57 (9) $_57 (8) $_57 (7)



Learn about huge battleships and nimble speeders

Because the Galactic Republic lacked a central army to maintain order in the galaxy, economic powerhouses had been granted the right to arm themselves legally against pirates and other assailants. This would lead to the creation of thousands of battle droids, but also to the production of armed ships and vehicles. One of these economic powers was the Trade Federation, controlled by the greedy Neimoidians. Exotic companies such as Haor Chall Engineering and Baktoid Armor Workshop produced most of the ships and vehicles from the Trade Federation that are highlighted in this article.

A communications disruption …

The Trade Federation’s blockade of the peaceful planet Naboo was the instigator of key events that would eventually cause the Republic’s downfall. Secretly controlled by Darth Sidious’ machinations, Viceroy Nute Gunray and Rune Haako ordered their forces to invade and occupy Naboo.

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Back in the ’70s, there was merely a trickle of Star Wars merchandise compared to the cornucopia of content fans have to enjoy nowadays. So instead of video games and animated fare and comics you have today, we fans subsisted on bubble gum cards, a few action figures, and whatever else we could find. But ask anyone from my generation and they have fond memories of those rare treats. The ones that stand out in my mind to this day were the books from Random House.

Published in 1979 by Black Falcon Ltd. under the Random House label, they were soft cover books for younglings that featured either stories or activities. The three I still own to this day are Darth Vader’s Activity Book, Chewbacca’s Activity Book, and the story book titled The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot.

The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot featured a story set in the time immediately following the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope. In fact, it actually took place at a Rebel base on Tatooine and had all our favorite heroes involved like we’d just popped in right after Luke blew up the Death Star. Illustrated in the ’70s flair by Mark Corcoran, the pictures had an acid wash feel to them with swirling blends of colors. The characters were funky and unkempt-looking, with wavy hair and wild-eyed expressions. My favorite has to be Chewie, who looks like something from a Dr. Seuss book.

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Ever since the original Star Wars was released in 1977, fans have always been dreaming about living in that galaxy far, far away. While that may be just a little difficult, there are still the real-world locations that served as various worlds during filming, and they can be visited. In Galactic Backpacking, we explore these locations by country, looking at their histories and current attractions.

When thinking about Tatooine, we all think of Tunisia as the real-world location. As covered in part four of this series, however, certain scenes were filmed much closer to Skywalker Ranch then one might expect. In this final installment (for now) of Galactic Backpacking, we continue our trip trough the US to visit these other Tatooine locations, and even take a look where the infamous Star Wars: The Holiday Special was filmed!

General information

The United States of America is a large country in the continent of North America, and with 318 million people, it consists of the third-largest population in the world with citizens from almost every ethnic background. This is due to the high immigration that occurred in the 17th century when settlers from all over European countries like Great Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, and France came to colonize this new world. The US includes some of the world’s most famous cities, beautiful natural parks, and virtually everything in between. With such a wide variety to explore, we focus on the state that is the most important for us fans, the state that is, along with the UK, the home of the saga: California

Located on the west coast of North America, California is geographically the third largest state and the most heavily populated. This population contributes immensely to the economy of the US, first and foremost with the produce of vegetables and fruits, but also with high-tech industry (Silicon Valley and aerospace among the many examples), education, and manufacturing. Also important for the economy is the tourism industry. From the beautiful nature in the many diverse National Parks, to the hills of San Francisco or mayor cities like Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego, a visiting tourist will not get bored here.

Click below to read the full article.

2015-05-18 08_50_27-Star Wars Locations_ Tatooine in the US _

May The 4th Giveaway from Yodasnews and Winner!

Congrats to Evan S. from AL, Evan takes home:


Thanks again to and for the prize pack and be sure to check them out for all kinds of cool stuff!

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Some time back, I introduced you to the Jabba Glob, a slime-spewing action figure that looked to be the strangest Star Wars toy ever made.

And while a vomiting Jabba is certainly tough to beat in the weirdness department, I may have found something that tops it:

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What Does the Future Hold for ‘Star Wars’ Games?


As most Star Wars fans are aware, 2015 is shaping up to be the year their favorite franchise comes back in a big way. Not to say that Star Wars hasn’t always been popular, but it isn’t every year that you get a release like Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens.

Star Wars’ rejuvenation isn’t just relegated to movies and TV either, but Star Wars video games are on the rise as well. Like with the movie franchises, 2015 is the tip of the iceberg and the future looks brighter than it’s ever been.

So, what does the future of Star Wars video games look like? Let’s take a look at what we know.

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When Obi-Wan Kenobi got captured on Geonosis by the powerhouses of the Secessionist Movement, Mace Windu decided to lead a task force of 200 Jedi. Meanwhile, Yoda left for the Kamino system where the Republic would make use of the mysterious clone army that had been ordered about a decade ago by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The participation of the Jedi on Geonosis would prove to be an omen of what the Clone Wars would bring for the guardians of peace and justice. The battle showed what the Jedi were and also what they weren’t. The Jedi were compassionate beings who didn’t hesitate to rescue a fellow Jedi in need and who did anything they could to protect the Galactic Republic. But the Jedi had evolved into diplomats and keepers of the peace instead of hardened battlefield commanders. The outcome of the Battle of Geonosis would be disastrous for the Jedi Order, as about 170 of the 200 Jedi would perish on Geonosis’ reddish soil. Let’s meet the valiant Jedi who joined Master Windu to Geonosis.

“This party’s over!”
Though Obi-Wan Kenobi had already been joined by his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala in an unfortunate attempt to rescue him, Mace Windu was the first Jedi of the task force to reveal himself to Count Dooku and the leaders of the Confederacy. Master Windu reached Archduke Poggle the Lesser’s balcony by sneaking through the dark alcoves of the Petranaki Arena. He may have often thought about that moment when he had the chance to kill Dooku right away, but that wasn’t the way of the Jedi. Dooku warned Windu that the Jedi would be outnumbered when they entered the battle. Dooku did tell the truth as he unleashed hordes of battle droids and Geonosian warriors upon the Jedi.

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The Empire’s various ground troops may enforce Palpatine’s tyranny with no mercy, but they do look pretty awesome doing it. There’s the sleek scout trooper uniform, there’s the menacing snowtrooper outifit, and there’s the layered Imperial combat driver fatigues. There’s nothing quite like the original, classic stormtrooper armor, though, and ANOVOS’ new costume is an amazing re-creation. (If you were ever looking to rescue a princess on the Death Star, this is the disguise you’d want.)

An iconic design, stormtrooper armor is simultaneously intimidating, futuristic-yet-familiar, and very cool. In creating this new costume, ANOVOS used references from both private collectors and the Lucasfilm Archives, developing unique sculpts for each piece of armor. It is scheduled for a Winter 2015 release, and is available either as a completed uniform with minimal adjustment work required ($1,600), or as a kit that you can custom build for yourself ($650). Imperial loyalists who pre-order before May 4, 2015, will receive a special discount: $1,200 for the completed ensemble (25 percent off) and $350 for the kit with completed helmet (nearly 45 percent off). Visit for full ordering information, and check out a preview gallery below and more details below!

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When I organized the very first Star Wars tattoo track for Celebration III way back in 2005, I had no idea that over the next 10 years we would continue to grow what was originally a very niche segment of fandom into one of the most popular attractions at the event! That first year we had a small booth showcasing some wonderful paintings and flash art from some of the pioneering artists in the Star Wars tattoo world, and we also held our first-ever Star Wars tattoo competition. While the booth and competition that year proved more popular than I expected at the time, I certainly never imagined that a decade down the road we’d still be going strong and preparing to unleash what is, hands down, the largest and most exciting Star Wars tattoo-related programming ever seen at Celebration!

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