If there’s any fandom that exemplifies the diverse nature of opinions within a selected intellectual property, it has to be Star Wars. Depending on when you came into the fandom, which films you prefer or even something as simple as which order you prefer to watch the films in, you’re going to have a unique opinion on what constitutes as the series’ best form. Among those important opinions throughout the fandom, there’s one that probably places highly on the list of priorities for any fan’s rankings, and that’s picking out the worst moment in the Star Wars saga.
So naturally, it seems like a good idea to take a sampling of moments from the entire Star Wars galaxy and ask that hard question of ourselves, as well as you, the public. After reading through the nominees for the worst moment from each film, you’ll be able to not only vote on that honor from the moments listed, but you’ll also be able to discuss any alternate and/or additional candidates in our comments section. The gloves are off and the Star Wars universe is up for grabs, as we run down the nominees for the absolute worst moment in Star Wars history.
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