A Star Wars Documentary for Charity

YN reader Adam writes in:

Hi from Australia! My name is Adam Harris, I’m 35 years old, a huge Star Wars fan and nearly 4 years ago I was diagnosed with a brain abnormality called a cavernoma hemangioma (tumour like growth). This was discovered the week my second child was born (October 2010) due to me suffering a massive bleed in my brain. After 9 days I was told it was too dangerous to operate and I was discharged. I was to have consistent scans and follow-ups for the rest of my life. As I lay there in my hospital bed I vowed I would show my children that you should chase your dreams. My dream was to become a film-maker due to my first cinema experience which was Star Wars Episode VI : Return of the Jedi back in late 1983. Star Wars for me (and like many others out there) became more than just a film, it became part of who I am and as corny as this sound, it saved my life as my childhood wasn’t the happiest time of my life.

So after I stepped out of that hospital, I kept my promise and chased my dreams. What to come was so unexpected. I created a ‘mock teaser’ to a short film I made in late 2012 and shared it with people in the entertainment industry on social media sites like Twitter. Hundreds of people, actors, film-makers I had admired, like Media personality Katie Couric, film producer Gale Anne Hurd, the voice actors of The Clone Wars shared, commented and / or ‘retweeted’ the trailer and it helped spread the word of me chasing my dream. I even had actor David Arquette contact me and he has offered guidance to help me get started in the industry. However I have wanted to somehow share my story and also my love for Star Wars.

When Disney announced the new films I was beyond excited. Knowing that I would be able to share those ‘first’ moments with my now 5 year old son, Jack Anakin Harris (who is a huge Star Wars Fan like his dad!), that first time he experiences seeing the teaser trailer of the new film or the launch of the movie tie-in toys, the hype as it gets closer and closer and finally that first time we see the new film together. This gave me an idea. So for my next project I have decided to make a documentary on my story and struggle as a child to turning something tragic into a chance to change my life, and at the same time also take my son on a Star Wars journey with both of us talking to people, and how Star Wars has impacted our lives. I started filming and will continue through to the release of Episode VII in December 2015. My hope is to interview not only the fans but cast and crew members from all the films and the Clone Wars and Rebels TV series as well. I want to know what Star Wars means to them and the legacy they wish it to leave for generations to come. This documentary (which I have titled My Saga) is my legacy for my family and especially show the bond between myself and my son and our love for these films and that I hope one day he will pass his own Star Wars legacy to his children.

Here is the link to the kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/73162198/my-saga-a-star-wars-documentary?ref=nav_search and the  Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mysagadocumentary