New ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Trailer and Ticket Pre-Sales Date?


Alright, Star Wars fans, what are you doing on Monday, October 19? Nope, sorry. Whatever you thought you were doing, you might want to readjust your plans, because you’re going to be sitting in front of your computer, watching the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer and pre-ordering your tickets for December 18. At least that’s according to multiple early reports, as well as some of our sources as well.

The new Force Awakens trailer, the first new footage from the film since the :15 Instagram video in August, will actually be the last Force Awakens trailer according to our sources and will debut online on October 19 before eventually making its way to theaters on November 6 with Spectre.

In addition, multiple theater chains are reporting that Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets will go on sale the same day, though the time is unclear. Yesterday, Cinemark accidentally posted an official graphic to one of the international markets announcing the pre-sale, only to pull the information shortly thereafter (“In the next Monday begins the pre-sale of Star Wars: The Force Awakens at #Cinemark! Run before the Stormtroopers end up with all the tickets.”). In addition, multiple AMC Theaters managers in the United States and Canada have reportedly informed staff of an October 19 pre-sale date, according to users on

There is expected to be an official announcement from Lucasfilm and Disney on the trailer debut and ticket pre-sale prior to October 19, though we don’t know when yet; we’ve heard Friday, but have also heard Sunday (with the potential for one of those frustratingly short “teaser for the trailer” videos accompanying the announcement). We’ve reached out to Lucasfilm for comment, but don’t expect to hear back because they don’t officially comment on any of this stuff.

Whatever is happening, it’s going to happen soon, and we’ll make sure to update with the latest as we hear it. Until then, it might be wise to put a couple of bucks aside for those midnight IMAX screenings.