New Era Of Star Wars Gaming Is Here


I was standing in a replica of the Hoth Rebel base from The Empire Strikes Back, part of a massive line to check out the multiplayer demo of EA’s upcoming title Star Wars: Battlefront. Dry ice pumped in from somewhere, and as we waited, an R2-D2 unit in the corner made the occasional deedly-bleep-boop. I asked the man in front of me how long he’d been waiting to try the game. “Three hours,” he said.

Make no mistake: Star Wars was huge at E3 this year. Along with Battlefront, three other titles were either shown off or announced during the show. Disney Infinity 3.0 adds characters and locations from the franchise to the game’s cast of Pixar, Disney, and Marvel faces. BioWare’s Knights of the Fallen Empire expands its MMORPG The Old Republic with a new series of episodic storylines, and during its press conference EA announced Galaxy of Heroes, a card collecting game for mobile devices. While the last few years of Star Wars gaming have been full of chaos and cancellations, Disney and Lucasfilm are now opening the floodgates with a coordinated blitzkrieg designed to bring Star Wars to every possible gaming audience in the galaxy — if people don’t get sick of it first.

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