Star Wars: 9 Things All Original And Prequel Trilogy Fans Agree On


Before we revisit our favourite far away galaxy on December 18th, we should address a great disturbance. Have you felt it? A war has been waging between original trilogy purists and prequel trilogy defenders.
The prequel trilogy has just celebrated its sixteenth birthday. The Phantom Menace came out in theaters on May 19th, 1999, which means many fans of the prequels are now in their late teens and mid to late twenties. They are so impassioned about defending the prequel trilogy, they’re in fact ticked off about it. Most prequel fans acknowledge directing issues but remain loyal to the writing, the character of Anakin Skywalker as he was presented, and the tone.
This younger generation was too young to be relevant in the immediate aftermath when older fans had a monopoly on the internet and began emphatically rejecting the prequels. But as the prequel fans have grown both in age and number, we’re starting to see a substantial case made as they defend THEIR Star Wars and speak out against the old fogies’ original trilogy. They’re doing a good job in spite of insurmountable odds. In fact, prequel defenders have illustrated many issues with the original trilogy older fans were more than willing to overlook as children and, in some cases, even as adults.
For decades, to know Star Wars was to love Star Wars. In hopes to restore balance before the next instalment comes out, here is a list of the most important things from Star Wars we all agree is awesome.

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