Via Starwars.com:

Star Wars: The Clone Wars breathed life into the Grand Army of the Republic. We met the clones who were grown and developed through an accelerated aging process on Kamino in Attack of the Clones and saw them go to battle with the Jedi. The clones didn’t make up a mindless force like the Separatist’s battle droids though. They had heart. The clones all possessed the same genetic coding, but each one was unique. That combination gave the army strength. A kind of strength the Separatists couldn’t duplicate with their metal soldiers.

After Order 66, the clones perished and were eventually replaced by stormtroopers that the Empire recruited from around the galaxy. But before Sheev Palpatine’s Order 66 programming kicked in, the clone troopers stood by the Jedi and became their friends. They were brave and selfless, especially so when you consider they didn’t really have a choice about heading into battle. To honor their service, let’s look back at some of the clone troopers we got to know in The Clone Wars.

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2015-03-04 21_38_03-8 Notable Clone Troopers from Star Wars_ The Clone Wars _ StarWars.com