8-bit Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer Was Made On a Vintage Apple IIc

Via io9.com:

Short of making it longer, there’s little that you can do to make the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi more intense than it already is. If you’re a lover of bitmap art with a copy of Dazzle Draw and a working Apple II on hand, though, one of those things you can do is remake the whole trailer.

In anticipation of the new movie, New York City-based artist Wahyu Ichwandarditook it upon himself to recreate that first teaser trailer shot for shot using the 33-year-old computer and an old KoalaPad+ on which he drew every frame. Ichwandarditook saved the collection of 288 images onto 48 individual floppy disks before transferring them over to a more modern setup, stringing the pictures together, and setting them to the original trailer’s audio track.