Star Wars: The Clone Wars expanded the galaxy with strange, unexplored planets and a rich extension of the framework established in the prequel trilogy. The stories spanned from Coruscant to the Outer Rim and beyond. As the conflict ballooned, The Clone Wars brought in characters we’d never met before: notably the Togruta Padawan Ahsoka Tano, dozens of clone troopers (distinct and individual despite sharing the same DNA), crafty politicians, and beings trying to continue their day-to-day existence in the midst of a far-reaching war.
Ahead of The Clone Wars‘ final season coming to Disney+ on February 21, we’re looking back at 20 of the many memorable characters introduced in the first six seasons of the series. (And please know we only left Asajj Ventress out because she was introduced prior to The Clone Wars. But rest assured that we love her, too.)
Spoiler warning: This article discusses details and plot points of Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes.