Not many film series have a following as die-hard as Star Wars.
From the thousands of fan websites to the millions who collects the toys, the many and varied costuming organisations worldwide to the TV audiences who watch the movies and new shows arriving each week, Star Wars has a broad demographic across ages, sexes and nationalities. And yet there seems to be an elephant (or should that be bantha?) in the room. The prequel trilogy.
Not since the launch of Star Trek: The Next Generation has a specific group of sci-fi fans been so divided.
Many love the prequel trilogy, while just as many wish they’d never been made.
Whichever way you look at it, the movies are not going away and with The Force Awakens just 147 days away perhaps it’s time to revisit The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith and here are 10 reasons why:
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